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There was this video, on Liveleak... Russian guys where involved... it was stated like "do not mess with russian mob" or so. Guy was beatened wery badly by other guy... mostly his face, I remember sound was very ugly, this beating of face. He was beatened to lost his eyes and disfiguring face... The sound I remember...

ps... it would be nice if there will be more gore movies, so artists could help us get what we want, so people not suffer...

Thank you.

There was this video, on Liveleak... Russian guys where involved... it was stated like "do not mess with russian mob" or so. Guy was beatened wery badly by other guy... mostly his face, I remember sound was very ugly, this beating of face. He was beatened to lost his eyes and disfiguring face... The sound I remember...

ps... it would be nice if there will be more gore movies, so artists could help us get what we want, so people not suffer...

Thank you.
A,and I remember all took place in this corridoor of some building... then who beated hit man with leg to ribs, from top... again sound...
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certified crazy cruncher
a while ago my brother was talking about a video that i cant seem to find
its of an elderly man recording his own final moments after everyone seemed to have abandoned him. from what i can recall, he got on his knees(?) and leaned into the end of a katana(or any other sword) and laid on top of it, not making a single sound as he slowly bled out.
if anyone knows where something similar could be, thatd be nice