Serious Major Measles Outbreak Hitting the US. Thanks to the Biden Puppeteer Administrations open borders. (1 Viewer)

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You’re blaming this on Biden? The problem is that Americans aren’t vaccinating their kids. Is that Biden’s fault too? You MAGA fuckers are insane.
You’re a brainwashed soy boy. Wake the fuck up

Aren't you one of the one giving out "Retard" icons to those who advocate for a Ranked-choice voting system? Fucking hypocrite.

And yes. It's a trash ass fucking article because it quoted fucking Elong Musk when talking about immigration, disease, and vaccination. GTFO of here.

Exactly. And they over here giving out stupid ass articles blaming other people from other countries, rather than taking personal repuslibilitily for their own lives. Another thing they constantly bitch and moan about like a bunch of fucking hypocrites; "PeRsOnAl ReSpOnSiBiLiTy." While quoting a god damn billionaire business man, even as they ALSO bitch and moan about "BiG pHaRmA."

It's like they don't even hear themselves speak.

Oh, stfu ya stupid windbag. "BiDeNs 14 MiLlIoN iMmIgRaNtS," as if you were born yesterday and heard some fat mouth from Faux Snooze an hour ago.

Those "FoUrtEeN mIlLiOn ImMiGrAnTs" all came here through Reagan's term, Bush I's term, both of Clinton's terms, both Bush II terms, both Obama's term, AND during Trump's term. Hell, there hasn't been a single year where immigrants didn't come to these stores since 14fucking92. Just ask any Native American. Fucking retard.
You sound like a fat miserable incel. But of course most libtard men are. Can you even be considered a man if you vote democrat? I don’t believe so. Y’all fruit cakes better understand when shit hits the fan you all are dead meat. Too scared to be within a 10 mile radius of a gun, what do you think is going to happen?
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"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US ..........................​

03-13-2024, 10:45 AM

If you let in infected dogs, you will end up with fleas. Hey, where is Dr. Fauci on this pushing measles inoculations everywhere???

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds
TUESDAY, MAR 12, 2024 - 10:40 PM
The radical progressives in the Biden administration are responsible for the greatest migrant invasion this nation has ever seen but also an emerging public health crisis, as millions of unvaccinated and undocumented illegals (some with infectious diseases) are being piled into migrant shelters nationwide like cattle.
Daily Mail reports the US is on the verge of a "major measles outbreak," with cases in the first two months of the year nearly eclipsing those in the previous year.
" ... as doctors warn many young physicians have never even seen a patient infected with the virus. Hundreds of people are already feared to be infected in California and Arizona after cases were confirmed in people in the states who visited local hospitals," the media outlet said.

It's important to recognize that migrant shelters are becoming breeding grounds for the spread of infectious diseases. Notably, it's the Democrats, often referred to as the 'party of science,' who are enabling this public health crisis to materialize while the pharma-industrial complex secretly cheers as the next crisis will need more vaccines.
Earlier on Tuesday, Elon Musk responded to Fox News' Bill Melugin's post on X. The billionaire said "!" in response to a CNN report that a measles outbreak in a Chicago migrant shelter is quickly worsening.

New data from the CDC shows 45 measles cases were recorded in the first two months across 17 states, nearly surpassing the 58 cases recorded in the full year of 2023.
Source: Daily Mail
Besides corporate media blaming a low vaccination rate, maybe - just maybe - overcrowded shelters with migrants from third-world countries are the most likely root cause of the public health crisis. None of these migrants were screened at the border for contagious diseases - and were able to walk right over - some were even flown in on airplanes, and others were bussed into sanctuary cities by a shadowy network of taxpayer-funded governmental organizations. Besides future Democrat voters, you'll never guess the reason why migrants were shipped in by the millions (that answer is found here: "Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies ...").
The open southern border is a major national security crisis that is quite literally a ticking time bomb about to go off. It's also quickly morphing into a public health crisis.
Just wait until Democrats start pushing measles vaccines.
Why is this a problem? Keep them in the shelter to die the fuckers 👍


Super Moderator
They only count what actually ultimately killed those people.
Right, that's why instead of "dead from vaccine", my cousin actually died because the vaccine inflamed prothrombotic properties of the virus, that lead to blood clotting and eventual arterial thrombosis which put her in a coma; leaving us in a decision to pull the plug once her brain stem was no longer functional.


evil retard

room temperature iq
Short Bussed
You sound like a fat miserable incel. But of course most libtard men are. Can you even be considered a man if you vote democrat? I don’t believe so. Y’all fruit cakes better understand when shit hits the fan you all are dead meat. Too scared to be within a 10 mile radius of a gun, what do you think is going to happen?
liberalism + pro-gun = bolshevism


Forum Veteran
You’re a brainwashed soy boy. Wake the fuck up

You sound like a fat miserable incel. But of course most libtard men are. Can you even be considered a man if you vote democrat? I don’t believe so. Y’all fruit cakes better understand when shit hits the fan you all are dead meat. Too scared to be within a 10 mile radius of a gun, what do you think is going to happen?
Liberals have been slaughtering conservatives for centuries. You dumbasses are so damn cowardly, you can't even address an argument. Nevermind, actually goes toe-to-toe with someone.

Right, that's why instead of "dead from vaccine", my cousin actually died because the vaccine inflamed prothrombotic properties of the virus, that lead to blood clotting and eventual arterial thrombosis which put her in a coma; leaving us in a decision to pull the plug once her brain stem was no longer functional.

View attachment 763116
Jesus fuckin' Christ. Do you even know what a vaccine even is?

Your friend died from COVID ya dummy! Not from a vaccine!

Vaccines are not cures, and nobody has ever claimed vaccine to be an actual fucking cure.

And the vaccine did NOT "inflame prothrombotic properties of the virus!" It's the virus itself that did that!


Jesus God! It's like blaming a glass of water that someone had drank before dying of alcohol poisoning. Or like I been saying:

Blaming the fact that my dad took a shit the day before he died, and the shit caused his death! It's really fucking retarded.

Your friend had COVID, which caused complications to their other health issues they had.

And again. Yes. People died after taking a fucking vaccine. But thats because people die every fucking day for one reason or another. People also died every day after taking a shit. People die after drinking a glass of water. You DO know that there are over 7 billion humans on the planet, right? And that 350 million of them reside in the United States, and millions in every other country in the world.

ETA: As a matter of fact, it is highly recommended to NOT take a vaccine if you already have the virus! You don't take a flue shot while you have the flue!
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Forum Veteran
the bolsheviks slaughtered everyone in russia thanks to useful idiots like you.

that was written post-vaccine after people started dying from cardiac arrest from the death shot. it's a government cover-up.
Bolsheviks weren't liberal at all, ya stupid fucktard.

I don't understand how it is such a hard fucking concept that, yes, people died from heart attacks after getting a vaccine. People die every fucking second from heart attacks since mankind started walking upright. How god damn hard is this?

evil retard

room temperature iq
Short Bussed
Bolsheviks weren't liberal at all, ya stupid fucktard.
before the soviet union, the bolsheviks brainwashed russians with liberalism to weaken russia.
I don't understand how it is such a hard fucking concept that, yes, people died from heart attacks after getting a vaccine. People die every fucking second from heart attacks since mankind started walking upright. How god damn hard is this?
pre-vaccine: the government never said covid causes cardiac arrest. post-vaccine: the government said covid causes cardiac arrest. people died from cardiac arrest from the death shot. you are a useful idiot. accept that.


Forum Veteran
before the soviet union, the bolsheviks brainwashed russians with liberalism to weaken russia.
The Bolsheviks were literally not at all liberal. You don't even know what that term even fucking means. It's obvious.
pre-vaccine: the government never said covid causes cardiac arrest. post-vaccine: the government said covid causes cardiac arrest. people died from cardiac arrest from the death shot. you are a useful idiot. accept that.
What? The government never said that, ya stupid fucking twat.

these concepts are sometimes difficult to comprehend
That dude thinks the Bolsheviks were liberal. 🤣

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US ..........................​

03-13-2024, 10:45 AM

If you let in infected dogs, you will end up with fleas. Hey, where is Dr. Fauci on this pushing measles inoculations everywhere???

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds
TUESDAY, MAR 12, 2024 - 10:40 PM
The radical progressives in the Biden administration are responsible for the greatest migrant invasion this nation has ever seen but also an emerging public health crisis, as millions of unvaccinated and undocumented illegals (some with infectious diseases) are being piled into migrant shelters nationwide like cattle.
Daily Mail reports the US is on the verge of a "major measles outbreak," with cases in the first two months of the year nearly eclipsing those in the previous year.
" ... as doctors warn many young physicians have never even seen a patient infected with the virus. Hundreds of people are already feared to be infected in California and Arizona after cases were confirmed in people in the states who visited local hospitals," the media outlet said.

It's important to recognize that migrant shelters are becoming breeding grounds for the spread of infectious diseases. Notably, it's the Democrats, often referred to as the 'party of science,' who are enabling this public health crisis to materialize while the pharma-industrial complex secretly cheers as the next crisis will need more vaccines.
Earlier on Tuesday, Elon Musk responded to Fox News' Bill Melugin's post on X. The billionaire said "!" in response to a CNN report that a measles outbreak in a Chicago migrant shelter is quickly worsening.

New data from the CDC shows 45 measles cases were recorded in the first two months across 17 states, nearly surpassing the 58 cases recorded in the full year of 2023.
Source: Daily Mail
Besides corporate media blaming a low vaccination rate, maybe - just maybe - overcrowded shelters with migrants from third-world countries are the most likely root cause of the public health crisis. None of these migrants were screened at the border for contagious diseases - and were able to walk right over - some were even flown in on airplanes, and others were bussed into sanctuary cities by a shadowy network of taxpayer-funded governmental organizations. Besides future Democrat voters, you'll never guess the reason why migrants were shipped in by the millions (that answer is found here: "Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies ...").
The open southern border is a major national security crisis that is quite literally a ticking time bomb about to go off. It's also quickly morphing into a public health crisis.
Just wait until Democrats start pushing measles vaccines.
I thought most were immunized at birth (in the usa) with the mmr. (Mumps measles and rubella). That immunization is lifelong and doesn't require boosters.

We had this in the UK with Tuberculosis, it was wiped out here many years ago, and then all the Polish and Kosovan mobs located here and the numbers started to rise.. and guess what, they got free treatment on the NHS at tax payers expense.
I worked in gitmo during the balsero crisis. Most Haitians had aids or tb. If they did we would deny access to the u.s. Now Biden just lets them in freely. Fucking moron.

🥱 And republikkkunt blame everything on Biden and Obama.
If you ask me.. They are both dickholed

🥱 And republikkkunt blame everything on Biden and Obama.
If you ask me.. They are both dickholes
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Forum Veteran

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US ..........................​

03-13-2024, 10:45 AM

If you let in infected dogs, you will end up with fleas. Hey, where is Dr. Fauci on this pushing measles inoculations everywhere???

"Major Measles Outbreak" Reported In US As Migrant Shelters Become Infectious Disease Breeding Grounds
TUESDAY, MAR 12, 2024 - 10:40 PM
The radical progressives in the Biden administration are responsible for the greatest migrant invasion this nation has ever seen but also an emerging public health crisis, as millions of unvaccinated and undocumented illegals (some with infectious diseases) are being piled into migrant shelters nationwide like cattle.
Daily Mail reports the US is on the verge of a "major measles outbreak," with cases in the first two months of the year nearly eclipsing those in the previous year.
" ... as doctors warn many young physicians have never even seen a patient infected with the virus. Hundreds of people are already feared to be infected in California and Arizona after cases were confirmed in people in the states who visited local hospitals," the media outlet said.

It's important to recognize that migrant shelters are becoming breeding grounds for the spread of infectious diseases. Notably, it's the Democrats, often referred to as the 'party of science,' who are enabling this public health crisis to materialize while the pharma-industrial complex secretly cheers as the next crisis will need more vaccines.
Earlier on Tuesday, Elon Musk responded to Fox News' Bill Melugin's post on X. The billionaire said "!" in response to a CNN report that a measles outbreak in a Chicago migrant shelter is quickly worsening.

New data from the CDC shows 45 measles cases were recorded in the first two months across 17 states, nearly surpassing the 58 cases recorded in the full year of 2023.
Source: Daily Mail
Besides corporate media blaming a low vaccination rate, maybe - just maybe - overcrowded shelters with migrants from third-world countries are the most likely root cause of the public health crisis. None of these migrants were screened at the border for contagious diseases - and were able to walk right over - some were even flown in on airplanes, and others were bussed into sanctuary cities by a shadowy network of taxpayer-funded governmental organizations. Besides future Democrat voters, you'll never guess the reason why migrants were shipped in by the millions (that answer is found here: "Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies ...").
The open southern border is a major national security crisis that is quite literally a ticking time bomb about to go off. It's also quickly morphing into a public health crisis.
Just wait until Democrats start pushing measles vaccines.
With Texas not infected I’m gonna call bullshit