Serial killer Why were the most sadistically depraved American serial killers all homosexuals? (2 Viewers)

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- abuse and neglect from father figures who did not approve of homosexuality
- self-hatred and feelings of shame over being gay and the desire to take those feelings out on other gay men
- gay men, especially in the 70s, were/are targets considered “the less dead”, in other words, people who would not be missed and whom they police would not prioritize, making them desirable as victims

Those are the three things it always boils down to in cases of homosexual serial killers.


old post but they are already starting to shoot up schools so yeah I wouldn't doubt killing in that way is next for them.
I doubt it. It doesn’t work like that. Serial killing has always been, in 99.9% of cases, exclusive to cisgender males. I do not see that changing.


ReallyJess is my fabulous Fag-hag
Nothing warms my blackened queer little heart more than watching straight people jerking off to queer killers.

It's all about sex with you lot, isn't it? And if it's type of sex that you don't understand, or it sickens you, you're even MORE interested in it.

Fun fact: 99% of gay men do NOT have fantasies about being a woman. Even drag queens dress up as caricatures of women to shock or amaze, and do not identify as female, nor do they want to be a female. More often than not, it is heterosexual men who secretly desire to be a woman, and it is straight men who predominantly out themselves as Trans, not gays.

Unfortunately for us queers (gay, bi, and lesbians), the transexual crowd has been lumped in with us because the idea of a man (or woman) wanting to swap genders is just a weird (dare I say "queer") concept for most hetero folks to understand (or accept), so the Trans folk get lumped in with us sexually queer folk. Except, we're - for the most part - in the same camp as the majority of heterosexuals: we're happy with the gender we are - we don't want to change that. Hence why many of us LGB queer folk would prefer for Trans people to be in a seperate bracket group. We support their right to transition, but we have nothing in common with them (other than being human).

Having three broad groups of human sexuality (Straight, Queer, & Trans) would not change the inclinations of the minds of killers, but it would certainly aportion more accurate statistics when attempting to identify what drives a person to kill, and whether or not their sexual orientation or inclination alone is what drove them to commit murder.

We're all human. Most of us enjoy sex. But only some of us become crazed killers. Sex alone is not the true motivation of these psychos, even if the concept of it gives you a thrill.


Hi, homosexual here.

Not *all* serial killers are gay. Take Jack the Ripper for example, he only murdered prostitute women. And the Acid Bath Killer, straight. Sure, some of them are, like Albert Fish, and Dahmer. So I'd say it's around even since we don't exactly know all serial killers are homosexual. There's no factual evidence. So in my opinion, no, not all homosexuals are killers, but some are. Unless there's a federal document saying all killers are linked to being gay, I'd stand corrected, because some killers murder because they hate gay people.

How the table turns.