disaster Halloween Horror Dozens Suffer 'Cardiac Arrest' in South Korea Crush (4 Viewers)

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Halloween Horror: Dozens Suffer 'Cardiac Arrest' in South Korea Crush

As Covid mask restrictions were lifted in Seoul, crowds rushed towards a popular nightclub area in the South Korean capital - turning deadly.

Shocking video shows people sprawled across pavements - as desperate locals and emergency service workers attempt to resuscitate them.

It's currently unclear how many people have died, as thousands gathered ahead of Halloween parties in the Itaewon area of the city. However, photos show body bags spread across the street.

Officials say they received more than 80 reports of revellers suffering "shortness of breath." In South Korea it is common to report cardiac arrest before a doctor confirms a death.

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
That is very strange. They are mostly young people. Why would there be mass cardiac arrests? There is something we don't know. Did they all get vaxed? That would explained it.

Young people tend to go into cardiac arrest due to lack of oxygen. Being crushed like that essentially causes asphyxiation which then leads to a hypoxic (low blood oxygen) cardiac arrest.

CPR to the beat of kpop and techno. All trendy and stuff.

When I last did CPR training I was fed up with the Stayin Alive references to the tempo of chest compressions. So I cued this tune up at the “go hard” lyrics and hit play as I started to save the rubber torso. Perfect bpm.
