
  1. Eris_Nyx

    bizarre Delusion or conspiracy?

    the missing model from Mexico named Gabriela Rico Jimenez who went viral in 2009 when her emotional outburst and arrest outside of a luxury hotel lead to her disappearance ever since. She accused Carlos Slim (mexican business man) of living in a subterranean base and stealing children, and...
  2. Monkman777

    animals The Elder King Gets Eaten

  3. Monkman777

    animals Monkey Eating It's Young

  4. CaveBuck

    animals Animal Warning - The Gila bird

    In 2015, Harold Francis Greeney III, an American biologist trained his camera on a mourning dove nest stitched into the crook of a cactus. As an ornithologist, Greeney studies the love lives of birds—cooperative breeding in nightingale-thrushes, parenting strategies of spotted barbtails...
  5. Deadgirl75

    murder For the Love of women your darkest fantasies

    For lovers of femicide for the lovers of women poster darkest fantasies and women you'd like to see dead.
  6. Monkman777

    animals Tried To Cannibalize Itself

  7. Collins

    Remember him

    Japanese cannibal who walked free dies aged 73
  8. Theseus

    Pre history cannibalism

    I’m a big history buff and also have a taste for the strange and taboo stumbled across this video that documents how early humans wold partake in cannibalism and the meanings behind them doing so
  9. Silentwhisper


    Butchering the Human Carcass for Human Consumption by Bob Arson This is a step-by-step guide on how to break down the human body from the full figure into serviceable choice cuts of meat. As in any field, there are a number of methods to the practice, and you may wish to view this as a set of...
  10. Gorgutz

    China denies exporting cans of human meat to African supermarkets

    The Chinese government has issued a statement strongly dismissing reports it is packaging human meat as corned beef and sending it to African grocery stores. The government was forced to respond after several African publications reported the allegations, made by Facebook user Barbara Akosua...