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    Four American professors came to China and were deliberately stabbed by government agents

    The Chinese government invites American scholars and intellectuals to conduct academic exchanges in mainland China On June 10, 2024, four American professors came to Northeast China because of this, and they considered applying for teachers there. When a Chinese man from the school, a total of...
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    China Land Bureau Chief Kills Pregnant Woman on Street

    On June 6, in one of the urban areas in Jiangxi Province, China, which is equivalent to the state of Texas in the United States, the director of the Bureau of Land Management killed a pregnant woman on the street. At that time, the director suddenly drove into a crosswalk, killing a pregnant...
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    Explosions occurred in all cities, China became the Ukraine of Asia

    Starting in 2024, China's public security will deteriorate at an accelerated pace, and vicious incidents will occur every day in every city. I think China is now similar to Gaza, and a war without gunpowder has begun. On May 1, 2024, a highway landslide in Guangdong resulted in the death of...
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    China's 20,000-horsepower, 4,000-ton aircraft carrier engineering ship sank in the military exercise area

    Starting on May 24, the Chinese Navy announced that it will conduct military exercises around Taiwan, including in the waters of eastern China, where warships, submarines and fighter jets are scattered. On May 27, a Chinese engineering ship sank in the East China Sea. The Communist Party...
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    Another biochemical crisis broke out in China

    A hellish life in China There are more than one billion people in China, which always leads to the emergence of new mutated viruses, and Chinese people are always crowded in small spaces. Many people may have been infected with pneumonia many times by the time they feel sick. . The inevitable...
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    In China, because of the discovery of pneumonia infection, soldiers with guns in protective suits conducted biochemical quarantine on civilians at the

    At an airport in China, the police officer in charge of testing discovered that someone was infected with pneumonia and informed his superiors. The Communist Party decided to send soldiers to blockade the airport. Soldiers with guns in protective suits entered the airport. They closed the exit...