
  1. Clam

    FYI Old Photos turned into AI generated videos

  2. Clam

    5-1-2024. Manta Ray UUV Prototype Completes In-Water Testing

    DARPA releases info on stealth Manta UUV prototype 05-01-2024, 08:55 PM Manta Ray UUV Prototype Completes In-Water Testing DARPA program exhibits modular, first-of-kind capabilities. [email protected] 5/1/2024 The Manta Ray prototype uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) built by performer...
  3. Clam


  4. MrAspecty

    War Donations from China to the russian military showcasing drawings

    🇨🇳💥 🇺🇦"Destroy the Nazi bastards!" - the Chinese began to actively donate to the Russians for drawings and inscriptions on shells It is interesting that some of the shells are of Iranian origin. Ukrainian Nazi resources write about this. “There is a whole z-tnik account on Twitter that does...
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    animals Future snake charmer

  6. Lord Gutsy

    animals Bring me a smoke

  7. Ginjabread man

    animals Coolest bull fighter in Mexico

    El Matador 😎
  8. Bill Murray

    cool garage contents rube goldberg machine
