
  1. Lord Gutsy

    accident Drifting away

  2. Lord Gutsy

    accident Drifted right into them

    In the Moscow region, a driver drove people into a checkpoint at full speed Workers stood near the Wildberry checkpoint. At some point, a car flew into them. The moment of the collision was caught on video. 3 people were seriously injured and were hospitalized.
  3. Lord Gutsy

    beatings There goes your camera lens

  4. Monkman777

    disaster Skidded Right Into The Shoping Carts

  5. Lord Gutsy

    accident Chink drifting

  6. Punisher_1

    accident Drifting excavator

    No details but that would be a pants filling moment
  7. Monkman777

    disaster Another Fool Trying To Drift

    Or just a plain idiot...
  8. Obber

    bizarre Drunk Drifter…

    Note: All videos/content that i randomly collected are from the Internet (freaking obvious isn’t it?), just enjoy or hate them. This is not some serious shite (Laugh or Give Criticism, i do not give a fuck! as long as you guys released your loads 👀🤣)