
  1. toxicologist

    bizarre (Educational) head transplant on mice

  2. Lord Gutsy

    accident Dude lost his head while riding jet ski

    Jet skiing in Bashkortostan ended in a Final Destination-style tragedy. A 55-year-old man was racing along the river, did not notice the pontoon bridge and ran into the cable at high speed. He lost his head from the blow and died on the spot.
  3. Ginjabread man

    accident He unfortunately fell now his heads gonna swell

  4. Lord Gutsy

    beatings Shovel To The Head

    young man lost his life on Saturday after receiving a severe blow to the head during a land dispute in the mountain of Azacualpa, east of Francisco Morazán. The man was identified as Kevin Garay, 23 years old, who died in the Hospital Escuela as a result of the strong blow he received from a...
  5. Lord Gutsy

    accident Got his head crushed by truck

  6. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Little chinking poking his head out

    China - ouch
  7. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Chink got his head stuck

  8. Lord Gutsy

    accident Drove over his head

  9. Ginjabread man

    beatings Hindu receives a brick from neighbour

  10. Lord Gutsy

    Crime Chink stabbed in the head

    China - wtf
  11. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre How to handle a snake

  12. WickedMal

    Crime Hostage taker hit on the head

  13. Nobbler

    beatings Make your own phone call.

  14. Nobbler

    bizarre Piranha feasting on head.

  15. Ginjabread man

    beatings Thick Afro no match for brick

  16. Lord Gutsy

    accident There goes his head

  17. WickedMal

    bizarre ~Dude Hits Man In The Head With A Piece Of Wood While Dog Tries To Bite Him~

    :facepalm: South Africa...
  18. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Only A Chink Can Pull This Off

    China - fucking wow
  19. Lord Gutsy

    animals Keep messing with crocs

  20. Lord Gutsy

    Warning:Children Little chinky got her head stuck

  21. Donkeyd

    fights Bosh!

    He was asking for something, he got it..
  22. Monkman777

    bizarre Making Sure It's Not Real
