lost control

  1. Bethy 🔥

    accident He Was Playing Bumper Cars 🤣

  2. Bethy 🔥

    accident What A Dummy 🤣

  3. Bethy 🔥

    accident That’s One Way To End An Evening

  4. Bethy 🔥

    accident Oops.. Didnt Mean To Do That

  5. Bethy 🔥

    accident Dayum..

  6. Lord Gutsy

    accident Chink lost control of his bike

  7. Lord Gutsy

    accident Biker lost control and crashed into tree

  8. WickedMal

    accident ~Driver Suffered Unexpected Seizure, Killed 71-Year-Old Woman~

    :death: The heartbreaking moment was captured thanks to a security camera in the area. In the recording, it is seen how the driver tries to back up with his vehicle, however, due to the seizure attack, he did not notice the woman and ran her over. In a fateful turn of events in Buenos Aires...
  9. WickedMal

    accident ~Porsche 911 Virtually Vaporized After Hitting Tree At High Speed~

    :brainhurts: There is a dead guy in the video The speeding Porsche had also unfortunately claimed the lives of its two occupants. Occurring last Friday afternoon (3rd of September 2021) near the Polish town of Mikolajki, local media over there reported that the driver had unfortunately lost...
  10. -ToGGaF-

    accident When In Doubt, Evacuate.

  11. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre lost control on the ice

  12. Hookah-smoking-catapillar

    accident Woman makes a turn and crash into biker
