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Resident Rope Bottom
I think you are on the right track. We are special in a certain, specific sense in that while we happen to be highly intelligent (well, some of us) and able to manipulate our environment to our benefit, when we die, we experience the same thing as any other animal when they die -- it's just over. Consciousness ends and black nothingness takes its place for an infinite amount of time..which is meaningless to say because time does not exist to something that is dead. 'We're here for a good time, not a long time, so have a good time, the sun can't shine every day'.
we are intelligent compared to other life on this planet. in an infinite universe, we might have the intellectual capacity of a slug in comparison


Die, Fucker.
This user was banned
we are intelligent compared to other life on this planet. in an infinite universe, we might have the intellectual capacity of a slug in comparison
We might, and that makes the fact that we all must die at some point all the more sadder :(


Resident Rope Bottom
We might, and that makes the fact that we all must die at some point all the more sadder :(
My views on death, the afterlife, whatever, is based on the first law of thermodynamics, that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. We are energy, we are millions of firing synapses, millions of chemical processes. We can only continue to live by consuming things that were also once alive. Our entire existence is one of transforming energy.

So when we die, when anything dies, its not possible for it to simply end. I've been present at the deaths of a number of people, and at the time of death there is a palpable moment when someone goes from being alive to not being alive. Its undeniably tangible. The shift in energy in the room is absolutely there. I think the energy in all of us, in all alive things, transforms at death. To what, I have no idea. I also have no idea if we have any sort of conscious awareness in whatever happens next.

But I also don't think nature wastes anything, and our consciousness....the type of self actualization and awareness of mortality that is uniquely human, is absolutely not an evolutionary need that sits us at the top of the pecking order. Sharks evolved millions of years before humans and don't possess it. Hell, horseshoe crabs are the oldest living lifeforms on earth and they are basic. Longevity in nature follows Occam's Razor....simplest is best.

So why do we have it? What purpose does it serve? I don't know, but as nature wastes nothing I don't believe its wasted at death.

This has been the gospel according to me, lol.
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Super Moderator
Well confessions are done to see how honest you are. And if God wants things a certain way and we dishonor his wishes then we will suffer those consequences when it’s are time. But it’s your opinion and your entitled to it. But that goes both ways. If you don’t believe then don’t believe. Don’t talk about it or bother with it.
Welcome to a place where people openly speak their mind.
Fuck off.

Grand Mal Caesar

Well confessions are done to see how honest you are. And if God wants things a certain way and we dishonor his wishes then we will suffer those consequences when it’s are time. But it’s your opinion and your entitled to it. But that goes both ways. If you don’t believe then don’t believe. Don’t talk about it or bother with it.
Shut up, you stupid, contradicting prick.
You mean like this😂😂
View attachment 591892
How did doctors know Magic Johnson contracted HIV from Larry Bird? They found Bird shit on his dick.
Hey dummy I said that you or whoever are entitled to there opinion. Or do you not understand English? You can now go fuck your self 🖕
Then you said "don't talk about it or bother with it." Fucking dumbass.

Grand Mal Caesar

Yes don’t talk about it or bother with it if it upsets you as much as it seems to. It’s called a suggestion moron. Kinda like I suggest that you go fuck your self. That doesn’t mean you have to it’s just a suggestion 🖕
Fuck off, retard. Welcome to a place where people openly speak their minds.


Resident Rope Bottom
Well confessions are done to see how honest you are. And if God wants things a certain way and we dishonor his wishes then we will suffer those consequences when it’s are time. But it’s your opinion and your entitled to it. But that goes both ways. If you don’t believe then don’t believe. Don’t talk about it or bother with it.
I can talk about whatever I like. Who are you to tell anyone what they can or cannot talk about?

Tell do you know what God wants? Because a member of some clergy told you? Well how do they know?

And how is it....according to these clergy....that God is constantly changing his mind on what is crucial and what isn't? All religions change their beliefs to fit the climate of the times....always have. That's not God....that's religion grasping at straws because they are losing power. To say that any human knows what God wants is hubris at best....and delusion at worst.


Hope Mojo dies
My views on death, the afterlife, whatever, is based on the first law of thermodynamics, that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. We are energy, we are millions of firing synapses, millions of chemical processes. We can only continue to live by consuming things that were also once alive. Our entire existence is one of transforming energy.

So when we die, when anything dies, its not possible for it to simply end. I've been present at the deaths of a number of people, and at the time of death there is a palpable moment when someone goes from being alive to not being alive. Its undeniably tangible. The shift in energy in the room is absolutely there. I think the energy in all of us, in all alive things, transforms at death. To what, I have no idea. I also have no idea if we have any sort of conscious awareness in whatever happens next.

But I also don't think nature wastes anything, and our consciousness....the type of self actualization and awareness of mortality that is uniquely human, is absolutely not an evolutionary need that sits us at the top of the pecking order. Sharks evolved millions of years before humans and don't possess it. Hell, horseshoe crabs are the oldest living lifeforms on earth and they are basic. Longevity in nature follows Occam's Razor....simplest is best.

So why do we have it? What purpose does it serve? I don't know, but as nature wastes nothing I don't believe its wasted at death.

This has been the gospel according to me, lol.
^^ That was great thanks. Nobody should be so arrogant as to think they know what the universe is all about or what was even there before it.


Forum Veteran
Well keep that shit out of the schools and childrens books and cartoons.

Fact, gay people depend on straight people to make more gay people.
Btw, I have a question. Why do gay people want everybody in the room to know they are gay, even though nobody really gives a flying fuck? Is that a way for them to cope with themselves?

TOO LATE !!!!!!!!!!
Teaching American children from 2-6th grade about Homoism and that they probably are has been taking place for at LEAST 10 YEARS .

Now N.Y. SCHOOLS went from book teaching to hands on . Teaching children how to transition using makeup until there surgery. The children's teachers are DRAG QUEENS . PAID to come in and using hansson, teach 5/6 yr old how to apply makeup and dress .



Fuck around and find out

TOO LATE !!!!!!!!!!
Teaching American children from 2-6th grade about Homoism and that they probably are has been taking place for at LEAST 10 YEARS .

Now N.Y. SCHOOLS went from book teaching to hands on . Teaching children how to transition using makeup until there surgery. The children's teachers are DRAG QUEENS . PAID to come in and using hansson, teach 5/6 yr old how to apply makeup and dress .

Oh I know how the shits been playin out, I keep an eye on what my kid is learning and the books he is made to read. And stay away from new york and california.


Well keep that shit out of the schools and childrens books and cartoons.

Fact, gay people depend on straight people to make more gay people.
Btw, I have a question. Why do gay people want everybody in the room to know they are gay, even though nobody really gives a flying fuck? Is that a way for them to cope with themselves?
Oh so you can have straight material in schools but not gay material?


Fuck around and find out
Oh so you can have straight material in schools but not gay material?
Exactly! Why should my straight son be forced to read gay bullshit because your son likes to suck dick? Your son can find plenty of queer literature online or in the library if he likes. Keep a close eye, we are eradicating all that bullshit these lefty retarted teachers are trying to pull. Btw. Fuck u :finger: