Police Albuquerque Police Officers Shoot Armed Man Inside a Crowded Supermarket (1 Viewer)

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King Of Athens

Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
Holy Moley !

Man, once again, everyone involved is fucking braindead, its a miracle no one was shot by either the perp or the cops, and it shouldnt be a fucking miracle when “professionals” are involved.

Glad they got him though, he had an extensive history of crime, so i doubt he ever wouldve changed. But holy shit those cops almost killed innocent bystanders and even almost shot one of their own, look at their positioning and where they are aiming, it is an actual miracle none of them were hit.


Forum Veteran
Holy Moley !

Another fine job by the cowardly badged murderers. He was clearly incapacitated with the taser and going down. But the cops are such trigger happy pussies they just mag dumped on him. Not taking into account the innocent bystanders all around them. And for all you boot lickers out there who will OBVIOUSLY take offense to this and then use those pre-written comments like good job faggot or you're a n*gger or take your meds. Come up with your own shit you brainless zombies!!!! FUCKIN SPINELESS JELLYFISH


Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
The taze had him but let's put an entire store of innocent people at risk. I'm usually on the side of shoot em up if they have a gun but not in a crowded store


I filled that kitty cat so full of lead
We'll have to use him for a pencil instead

-"Weird Al" Yankovic, from Trigger Happy