Anyone been following the Derek Chauvin trial? (George Floyd murder trial) (1 Viewer)

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I’ve been live streaming the trial on YouTube, listening at work/home/driving. i definitely have my opinions after hearing 13 days of testimony. What are yours? Do you think he murdered Floyd?

I am not asking if it matters if he killed George of the Jungle, just if you think that cop is guilty of the charges brought against him....
I’ve been live streaming the trial on YouTube, listening at work/home/driving. i definitely have my opinions after hearing 13 days of testimony. What are yours? Do you think he murdered Floyd?

I am not asking if it matters if he killed George of the Jungle, just if you think that cop is guilty of the charges brought against him....
George Floyd got what he deserved , he wasn't a hero or a saint, he was a piece of shit that beat up and robbed a pregnant woman , fuck him , he got what was coming , treat others how you want to be treated , simple logic , fuck him, and his followers


Cop used a legal restraining tactic, Floyd resisted arrest, crowd had more to do with his death than the cop did, and Floyd more than anything, simple as that, their argument seems to be if the cops wasn’t there Floyd would be alive, where the real argument should be if Floyd hadn’t acted illegally then the cops wouldn’t have been there, pretty simple


Yes I'm white and from Africa... Can you imagine
He ain't guilty of shit... Only for doing his job in bringing a criminal to justice. But in the US the liberals and media have made sure that the criminal is always the victim. The police is always at the wrong. That is one fucked up and dangerous system




Throbbing Member
the state has just tried to bring in new evidence that they have sat on for months and haven't disclosed, its to back up their so called medical witness who pulled floyds O2 stats out his arse after being called out by a real expert
the judge has threatened them with mistrial if they try


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He ain't guilty of shit... Only for doing his job in bringing a criminal to justice. But in the US the liberals and media have made sure that the criminal is always the victim. The police is always at the wrong. That is one fucked up and dangerous system
Well the system has been fucked up. Go all the way back to theater shootings in the early 90s glorifying these fucktards and you see the snowball chain reaction produced. Then it really began to take shape when Harris and Klondike bar shot up Columbine HS in 99. Media glorifies and instigates more kids to do it. Want 15min of fame? Do this! Poor kids. They were picked on as children. They don’t know better. Lol.
Well the system has been fucked up. Go all the way back to theater shootings in the early 90s glorifying these fucktards and you see the snowball chain reaction produced. Then it really began to take shape when Harris and Klondike bar shot up Columbine HS in 99. Media glorifies and instigates more kids to do it. Want 15min of fame? Do this! Poor kids. They were picked on as children. They don’t know better. Lol.
Um, sir... we are talking about the Chauvin Case.
The cop can suck a dick ... why were they so Terrified ? They will find THAT fucking PIG guilty ass fuck and then he's in for a treat in prison. As for the dumb hicks on here talking shit ... Go out on the streets and voice your opinions...walk up to a scary " nigger " and see how fast your ass gets turned inside out , sorry boys its not the 50's your ass will get BEAT the FUCK UP lol... Then you will cry justice lol.. STFU TWATTS
George Floyd got what he deserved , he wasn't a hero or a saint, he was a piece of shit that beat up and robbed a pregnant woman , fuck him , he got what was coming , treat others how you want to be treated , simple logic , fuck him, and his followers
No he didnt. Rottenhouse beat a women and killed two people instead of I fighting like a man.. yet is still alive after walking towards the cops with a gun...