disaster Chocolate Faucet Dispenser (1 Viewer)

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"I'm afraid you're in a 'gotsta go situation'!"
I saw one of those at a fancy Sunday Brunch once. That's where the line was longest, too. I believe Willy Wonka did it first.


can someone explain why the tap is shitting? please I'll be forever in your debt
When you first dig a well down into any aquafer (tapping into the water table), it does that and you gotta run it until the water comes out & runs clear. Same thing happens slightly when you get air pockets in a municipal water line as well, especially after a crack in the main, mud, rust, water insects, etc., seep in, or atleast they can.
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certified silly fella
When you first dig a well down into any aquafer (tapping into the water table), it does that and you gotta run it it until the water comes out & runs clear. Same thing happens slightly when you get air pockets in a municipal water line as well, especially after a crack in the main, mud, rust, water insects, etc., seep in, or atleast they can.
Woah, never knew that. Genuinely thought it was a shit pipe for a bit. ty!