Crime Columbus, Ohio Cops take out thieving female Basketball American. (1 Viewer)


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Splinter In Your Eye
Let me get this straight. This could easily have been avoided by the cop just by not staying in front of the slow moving car.

So in the USA you get murdered by cops for shoplifting or being disobedient (or should I say "black, shoplifting and disobedient").

I'm pretty sure this would have had a different outcome if the young lady was a caucasian.

Ok, let the hate begin!


Constantly laughing at the world
Let me get this straight. This could easily have been avoided by the cop just by not staying in front of the slow moving car.

So in the USA you get murdered by cops for shoplifting or being disobedient (or should I say "black, shoplifting and disobedient").

I'm pretty sure this would have had a different outcome if the young lady was a caucasian.

Ok, let the hate begin!
No ... It all could have been avoided if she had not behaved like a typical Nigger :shrug:


Forum Veteran
right or wrong, when cops ask you, you comply first, if ure innocent theres a way to prove it, the cops dont want any more trouble than you unless you ask for it

the sheer amount of paperwork alone keeps cops not want to shoot anyone but some go asking for it

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
Those cheeky cops were trying to break into a car before they were collared to deal with the woman 🤪😂.


Splinter In Your Eye
Yes, and her having such a self entitled "I'm black so leave me alone" attitude, which was perpetuated and encouraged by the ridiculous BLM movement - it's definitely 100% black people behavior.
That's no reason to be killed by the police. It's rude, impolite call it what you want but this behaviour by the police is abhorrent.

Well the moral of the story is, behave and stop committing crime and when the police give you orders follow them, even if you haven't done anything wrong 🤷‍♂️ she would still be alive if she wasn't a cunt
For all we know she did not commit a crime. She may have commited one. And being a cunt is no reason to be killed. For all I know you could be a cunt. Do I have to kill you now?


Forum Veteran
Let me get this straight. This could easily have been avoided by the cop just by not staying in front of the slow moving car.

So in the USA you get murdered by cops for shoplifting or being disobedient (or should I say "black, shoplifting and disobedient").

I'm pretty sure this would have had a different outcome if the young lady was a caucasian.

Ok, let the hate begin!
I think ANYONE that starts to drive over a copper will get shot you do know that cars speed up, Right!???


Constantly laughing at the world
"For all we know she did not commit a crime" .. What? If she were alive to be charged it was technically and by legal definition 'attempted murder' at the very least 'attempt to cause serious harm with a deadly weapon' yes, a car is treated as a deadly weapon in these circumstances and cop had every right to shoot it's what they're trained to do. Car had no plates BTW - was she even licensed?
She shoplifted (and no doubt wasn't her first time) she had a restraining order put on her by her own Grandmother, and that's just from a quick dig on the net.
So yeah, she's a CRIM... and all the surrounding seven eleven's can now take the padlocks off their booze. ;)


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
For all we know she did not commit a crime. She may have commited one. And being a cunt is no reason to be killed. For all I know you could be a cunt. Do I have to kill you now?
Well if she hadn't committed a crime why not cooperate with the police and the moment she refused to cooperate and drove at a cop she committed a crime regardless if she had shoplifted or not 🤷‍♂️ and I am a cunt but I'm not a retard like this dumb bitch.....

She obviously wanted to win a Darwin award and her wish was granted 😆


Splinter In Your Eye
Well if she hadn't committed a crime why not cooperate with the police and the moment she refused to cooperate and drove at a cop she committed a crime regardless if she had shoplifted or not 🤷‍♂️ and I am a cunt but I'm not a retard like this dumb bitch.....

She obviously wanted to win a Darwin award and her wish was granted 😆
It's pretty clear to me that almost nobody here on this forum had a higher education let alone a degree in law.

Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
Be thankful she didn't get the opportunity to shit out her useless, nappy-headed prawn to grieve every race on this planet, especially its own...


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
It's pretty clear to me that almost nobody here on this forum had a higher education let alone a degree in law.
Well you would be wrong and if you knew anything about the law you would know that using a vehicle as a weapon is no different to using a gun 🤷‍♂️ and if you actually were educated you would know better than to assume


Constantly laughing at the world
"It's pretty clear to me that almost nobody here on this forum had a higher education" -
That says a whole lot about the kind of person you are just with that one comment. Does your mirror steam up when you kiss it every morning? Keep shooting yourself in the foot pal :tu:


Crusty piss fenders
This user was banned
Let me get this straight. This could easily have been avoided by the cop just by not staying in front of the slow moving car.

So in the USA you get murdered by cops for shoplifting or being disobedient (or should I say "black, shoplifting and disobedient").

I'm pretty sure this would have had a different outcome if the young lady was a caucasian.

Ok, let the hate begin!
You’re right it would have been different because if she was white it wouldn’t have even been on the news. Most white people realize you do stupid shit you win stupid prizes….they just don’t cry about race all day every day for things that are their own making.


It's pretty clear to me that almost nobody here on this forum had a higher education let alone a degree in law.
racism is pretty rampant in gore communities unfortunately, this one is no different. these bigots in this thread deserve to end up dead just like the videos of people they watch