Female Student Punches Bigoted Preacher on Campus with "Women Belong in the Kitchen" Sign (1 Viewer)

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Lurking Lurker
University of Alabama female student punches preacher on campus with sign "Women Belong in the Kitchen."

Another sign stating "Women Don't Belong in College" was also reportedly seen amongst the "Christians"

Atta Girl!!

Don't understand how they let religious fractions of people on campus with such rhetoric that will OBVIOUSLY piss off at least half the student population.

Racist Bastard

Forum Veteran
University of Alabama female student punches preacher on campus with sign "Women Belong in the Kitchen."

Another sign stating "Women Don't Belong in College" was also reportedly seen amongst the "Christians"

Atta Girl!!

Don't understand how they let religious fractions of people on campus with such rhetoric that will OBVIOUSLY piss off at least half the student population.

And she proves him right. (Kind of). Cuz this one definitely can’t control her emotions.


...in the corner eating bugs...
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Functional Poly-drug Addict + D.A.R.E. Supporter
This explains why my fucking dinner isn't on the God damn table right now. It's bullshit


Feminism was used to destroy the western family now you have woman by today's definination who don't want kid's genetic dead ends which do nothing for preserving the race.