Serious Good boys do not do this (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
Typical chavi family, kids can be anywhere as long as they are not home bothering them, out on the street day and night, its fucking neglect, what do they think they are doing out there playing in the park ? Then have the nerve to say he is good, how do you even know him you are never round him much.

Eric Blair

Drop acid, and then bombs. ✌️+❤️=🤯
I’m the most non-racist you’ll find on this site but the overwhelming majority of moms who will without shame, and publicly defend their son’s heinous actions are black women. I try to keep my eyes out for cousin fucking white moms to defend their sons armed robbery without shame but I can find that video. To be clear, I’m not saying if you are white and the “mother” of a violent scumbag that you are any better in your parenting. But for whatever reason black moms will defend their thug son for CNN. It’s a mystery why this is but I think it’s because Black moms don’t get the same criticism from their peers but also from the media. 🤷‍♂️