Helicopter carrying Iran’s president suffers a ‘hard landing,’ state TV says, and rescue is underway (1 Viewer)

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I Fucked Your Porsche
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi suffered a “hard landing” on Sunday, Iranian state media reported, without elaborating. Some began urging the public to pray for Raisi and the others on board as rescue crews sped through a misty, rural forest where his helicopter was believed to be.

The likely crash comes as Iran under Raisi and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei launched an unprecedented drone-and-missile attack on Israel just last month and has enriched uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels. Meanwhile, Iran has faced years of mass protests against its Shiite theocracy over an ailing economy and women’s rights — making the moment that much more sensitive for Tehran and the future of the country as the Israel-Hamas war inflames the wider Middle East.

Raisi was traveling in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province. State TV said the incident happened near Jolfa, a city on the border with with the nation of Azerbaijan, some 600 kilometers (375 miles) northwest of the Iranian capital, Tehran. Later, state TV put it farther east near the village of Uzi, but details remained contradictory.

Traveling with Raisi were Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, the governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province and other officials and bodyguards, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. One local government official used the word “crash” to describe the incident, but he acknowledged to an Iranian newspaper that he had yet to reach the site himself.

Full story.


Well Known Member
Fuck em all 🤣 wars are going go be waged worldwide soon,nation against nation, and the streets worldwide are going to turn red ,unfortunately we as humans are parasites and the earth is tired of us hence all the earthquakes , floods etc are intensified mother earth is trying to clean her self of us tics.🤣🤣🤣

As humans we are ot capable of living in peace with each other.


I'm sure he's alive and perfectly uninjured.
[Meanwhile at the crash site...]


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
"Went down"... 🤔

SITREP: Helicopter carrying Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi has crashed.

• The helicopter was part of a convoy of three helicopters. Two of those helicopters were carrying ministers and officials who arrived at their destination safely. The Helicopter carrying the President went down.

• Seyyed Mohammad-Ali Al-Hashem, Tabriz’s Friday Prayer Imam, and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian were also reportedly on the helicopter with the president

Is He Alive?
——Some of the president’s companions on this helicopter were able to communicate with Central Headquarters, raising hopes that the incident could have ended without casualties,” It is unclear what the exact status is of Raisi’s heli



cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold

Here are some facts about the type 412 chopper:

- It has 2 engines

- It was manufactured by the Bell company in the U.S.

- It has a capacity of 13 people and can carry up to 5.3 tons

- It could fly as far as 980km with a speed of up to 260 kilometres per hour





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Even with fog, a helicopter has radar and height detection etc. I'd say it's a crash of convenience.
some helicopters do. This is an older huey family helicopter. They don't come with one but you can buy and install a radar altimeter, but it points straight down. Not forwards. Won't help in case of a controlled flight into terrain