bizarre Jew Hater (2 Viewers)

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The anarchist

Forum Veteran
What was a "hate crime" that he did? Also, who are they to harrass this obvious mental health patient? These people (w/the cameras) have too much time on their hands.
I agree👍 if he didn't have a mask on and didn't freak the fuck out when he noticed he was being filmed he could have kept doing what he was doing ( probably hanging a antisemitic poster 😂😆)


"I'm afraid you're in a 'gotsta go situation'!"
Hanging a sign in public that reads "Fuck the Jews!" is not a hate crime and is protected free speech in the U.S. See also burning the flag, giving law enforcement the finger or telling them "Fuck you!" as well, etc. There are precedents in case law too numerous to mention here. Now had he placed that sign on a private Jewish business or synagogue or residence, that's a hate crime which would be added on by the DA because he initially trespassed on private property to post it, also vandalizing the private property!

Learn to law. If that camera man did pull a gun on that person to subdue him for that, he'll be the one going to jail as his life clearly was not in danger and that's the only time one is allowed to display or use a firearm in public, for self defense when threatened or in danger. He will be charged with aggravated assault with a firearm, a felony punishable by up to 2-20 years in prison depending upon the state, if he pointed a gun at the paper hanger, perhaps armed kidnapping and/or impersonating an officer, too. The answer is, don't do it, ever! It's cases like this which are the reason licenses to carry firearms are required, not merely the purchase of one, because obtaining such a license entails range time and class study for legal situational use of the weapon just as there is with a vehicle.

There are four federal statutes pertaining to hate crimes in the U.S. What that man did isn't one of them. They are included in the link below.

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Solomon Kane

And so it begins..
I was expecting a little more. Not a very good acolyte.


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