bizarre Making $1.5M/month on OnlyFans and Twitch: Amouranth (1 Viewer)

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"Bark Bark Bark!" Don't know when to stop. "Bark!"
i think i might start doing this for some extra income, not sure if i should shave my nutsack though...

What people do these days for money... Somebody's gotta pay her electric bill.
Just letting any of you ladies here know that are actually considering this don't expect to even make a quarter as much as her unless you're already well know on social media, you can expect to make between $150-250 of extra income each month if you're just the average woman if even that
She’s not even a 10. Whoever’s supporting that needs to stop blowing these skanks egos up even more than they are.
She's a solid 8 the only reason she's making so much has less to do with her looks and more to do with the following she already had online


Fresh Meat
I gotta wonder, where the fuck are these guys who actually spend money on this shit. I get porn is a big industry but who actually pays for porn. You can get anything for free, there must be a really sad subclass of men out there who pay for it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a degenerate, I see some of the most fucked up weird porn on this Internet, but while I'll happily get myself off all day, the idea of paying for porn would be completely unthinkable to me.

My honest guess is Indians/autistics/boomers. People who use the Internet but are by no means efficient at it. Who see an option to buy a porn subscription and actually have money and dullness to pay it, rather than taking two seconds to find it somewhere else. Or people who watch it with their partners.

I bet most people who fund the porn industry are over 40

Ps: people who pay to see interracial porn should be round up and skinned alive

Rant over


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i think i might start doing this for some extra income, not sure if i should shave my nutsack though...

You gotta shave the sack…. I’m surprised you don’t …. Nut hair increases swamp ass by 23%


Throw Ass and Save Dollar's!
FUCK!!! I wish She was my Ole Lady;U shittin Me...Lick Away Honey!!!
Don't Hate,Bitch is;


Forum Veteran
Just letting any of you ladies here know that are actually considering this don't expect to even make a quarter as much as her unless you're already well know on social media, you can expect to make between $150-250 of extra income each month if you're just the average woman if even that

She's a solid 8 the only reason she's making so much has less to do with her looks and more to do with the following she already had online
Mmmmm. I dunno.... I've (clearing throat) some women I know make more than that in a night. Or so a friend told me.


Forum Veteran
I've seen this mediocre cam dummy on Twitch.
The chat on that channel is humanity lost.


If you're a reasonably attractive young woman, have little to no shame, are willing to degrade yourself on camera, possess a talent for catching male attention, and also (still, with all of that) get very, very lucky, then you can be this woman.

She is wealthy, yes. However, millions of people, including her family, friends, potential husbands, etc., are aware that she fingerpunches her crotchbox (or whatever she does; I know next to nothing about her) in front of tens of thousands of lonely men on a near-daily basis. Some of these men are obsessive and unstable, so she's at high risk of gaining stalkers. Her current, potential, and future boyfriends/husbands may also be at risk. Most of those lonely men feel that she owes them something, feel emotionally attached to her.

If she isn't one day killed by a deranged superfan, her career will fizzle out eventually (probably sooner than later), so she'll need to be smart with her money. People (usually lotto winners, but sometimes heirs) have blown through tens of millions of dollars in a matter of years. Since she did "earn" the money herself rather than it coming entirely out of nowhere, she's probably smart enough not to blow it all.

Finally, high-profile sex work careers majorly impact women's future employment opportunities, as retired porn stars often discover when they try to become teachers or something similar and no one will have them.

ALL substantial sums of money come with strings attached, and these are hefty strings. She is a major sexual and emotional focus in the lives of legions of lonely men. I wouldn't want that kind of heat.