Pakistani Muslim Forces His Wife to Drink Acid for Giving Birth to a Baby Girl (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat

SHEIKHUPURA, Pakistan: A man in Sheikhupura district forced his wife to drink acid after she gave birth to a babygirl, reported a private TV channel on Sunday.
According to reports , family members of the man assisted him in the heinous act against his wife. God blessed Nawazish, a resident of Jandyala Road, with a daughter but he got so upset over the birth of a daughter that he decided to punish his wife.
He did not even bother to look at the newborn girl and decided. He brought a bottle of acid and made his wife drink it with the help of his family members. The neighbours took the woman to hospital where her condition is stated to be critical.



Internet Warrior
I hate Pakistan !!! They are bigger nuts than those in Afganistan but are a nuclear nation . More Taliban training camps are there than anywhere else , Bin Laden lived there and they have a crooked govt who does FUCK -All about it . Nuclear or not ...... if we are serious about fighting terrorism this is one place we eventually have to deal with head on !!!! The actions of this fucker above alone shows that we will never be able to understand them , nor will those who come to our countries with similar views . We have similar shit happen here . Most of it keep secret in their communities or kept secret by our authorities trying to promote social harmony .


Tier One
And the poor kid will probably have her genitals mutilated in a few years. Let's give a cheer for the religion of peace!


Tier One
I hate Pakistan !!! They are bigger nuts than those in Afganistan but are a nuclear nation . More Taliban training camps are there than anywhere else , Bin Laden lived there and they have a crooked govt who does FUCK -All about it . Nuclear or not ...... if we are serious about fighting terrorism this is one place we eventually have to deal with head on !!!! The actions of this fucker above alone shows that we will never be able to understand them , nor will those who come to our countries with similar views . We have similar shit happen here . Most of it keep secret in their communities or kept secret by our authorities trying to promote social harmony .
I just wish India and Pakistan finally go at it over Kashmir. With nukes! Solve that area of the world and they wont be missed!


That is just sick. What a great Father he is going to be. I mean, what the fuck would someone think if they were told years later "Well, the first thing that happened when you were born was your Dad made your Mom drink battery acid". Fucked up world we live in..

I just wish India and Pakistan finally go at it over Kashmir. With nukes! Solve that area of the world and they wont be missed!

If we could get some kind of guarantee that the nuclear exchange and subsequent war would stay only between India and Pakistan, I couldn't agree more to be honest.

Solve India's huge over population problem and solve Pakistan's..well, being Pakistan problem at the same time.


Serial Killer has been made.....
Fucking crazy bastard.....make them drink it for him not shooting the correct sperm with the correct chromosomes in it. poor sweet baby, not a clue what she has instored for her and her little shitty life she was born in.


Fucking crazy bastard.....make them drink it for him

I'm not sure about Pakistan, but some Islamic countries that have Sharia courts sometimes do go the 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' route.

Obviously the country, region, specific case and judges differ greatly from trial to trial, but here are two examples of that kind of justice that I remember reading about on reliable websites.

A man in Iran (I'm almost sure it was in Iran) threw acid into some woman's face, blinding her. At the trial, after the man was found guilty, the court gave the woman who was blinded the option of what was to happen to him. One of the options was for him to be strapped to a gurney and have a doctor drop sulfuric acid into each of his eyes, blinding him. IIRC, she originally said she wanted that, but at the last second changed her mind.

The second case was in Saudi Arabia. A man was stabbed by another man, and the victims spine was severed and he was paralyzed. The court told the victim that if he wanted, they would bring the convicted man to a hospital and have a surgeon sever his spine at the same place that the victims spine was severed. I believe in that case, the man originally agreed, but then after the defendants family came up with a greater amount of "blood money", the victim changed his mind.

Btw, 'blood money' is when a victim in an Islamic country accepts payment from the convicted person or his family instead of the convicted going to prison, being executed, etc. If they accept the blood money, then after it is paid, the convicted man is set free, the debt being paid, if I understand it correctly.

Strange system they have there... It's scary to say, but knowing how the U.S. court system goes, I think some small aspects of how they get things done in a quick manner and weigh in more how the victim feels the punishment should go, is better in some ways than our system.