Part of the sun is broken and scientists are baffled (1 Viewer)

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Cold Ethyl

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A section of the sun has left the surface and begun circulating around the top of the star as if it were a huge polar vortex, and it’s not exactly clear why it’s happened.

The observation was made possible thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, and its no surprise that it piqued the interests of scientists everywhere.

Tamitha Skov is a space weather physicist who regularly shares updates on social media, and she seemed incredibly excited about the latest developments.

Talk about Polar Vortex! Material from a northern prominence just broke away from the main filament & is now circulating in a massive polar vortex around the north pole of our Star,” she wrote.

“Implications for understanding the Sun's atmospheric dynamics above 55° here cannot be overstated!”

Solar prominences consist of hydrogen and helium, and they extrude from the sun’s service releasing plasma.

While there’s confusion around the cause of the phenomenon, it could be related to the reversal of the sun’s magnetic field, as well as the fact that something expected has been known to happen when the sun reaches a 55 degree latitude in every 11-year solar cycle.

Solar physicist Scott McIntosh, who is the deputy director at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado told "Once every solar cycle, it forms at the 55 degree latitude and it starts to march up to the solar poles.

“It's very curious. There is a big 'why' question around it. Why does it only move toward the pole one time and then disappears and then comes back, magically, three or four years later in exactly the same region?"



“The apple doesn’t fall far from the Newton”
2025 marks the solar maximum during this current solar cycle; (SC 25) I would dare to venture that this could be interlinked with a new carrington event.

refer to the vivid and massive auroras which recently wowed the world.
These were due to a CME which was much stronger than first forecast/expected.
SOME emergent theories are seeking to marry the recent CME with hurricane beryl’s genesis.

consider the following:
If we are firstly seeing CME’s which are more intense in character;
And If we remember that 2025 will mark the solar maximum;
Then we might summarise that this recent phenomena would have something to do with the sun’s increased activity as we reach Sol-M.
It makes one wonder what this development might signal.

I do not say that this is some kind of jeopardy,
But it’s certainly… strange.
We’ve a cycle coming up to maximum, and, a sun which is acting uncharacteristically.

Sadly, even the scientific community try to dull down these things - they like to assume that the low percentage chance of occurrence mean we are safe. - it’s too easy to ignore a total electrical blackout…
Little keeping in mind that today’s society will lose it’s logistical backbone and collapse hard if this does occur.

Don’t… panic!
But do keep an eye…
Behaviour like this from our sun is worth close observation over the next year or so.