animals Somebody Went For A Ride (1 Viewer)

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that was sweet but the dog is now nervous as hell...
Sweet? It's against the law to kill an alligator and it is considered a felony. Now you can buy a license to hunt alligator with a set amount of harvest tickets but they can only be used certain times of the year. And you have to use the meat or donate it,


who tf cares
that wasn't the point of my comment
but thanks for straightening me out...
you don't HAVE TO comment in every single thread, you know

why don't you just go neg me from afar...
Oh I didn't know that was a rule to not comment on posts, I thought that was the entire reason for having comment sections was in order to comment
But thanks for straightening me out...
Maybe that's the only way I can remember if I have seen the post so I don't repeatedly select it. Or maybe it's a way to distract myself during cancer treatments.

Because I'm not a negger.