bizarre Vain Women (1 Viewer)

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certified silly fella

The older ones look better than the younger ones. Not quite sure why anyone in their 20s is doing Botox, it's probably aging them at a fast rate than doing nothing
12 yr olds buying anti-aging serums at sephora vs 20 yr olds having botox and lip filler. who's gonna age quicker? šŸ’€

Khokhlol Hunter

I wish for a nuclear winter.
I'd kinda bang the first 2 but they are too flat chested for my liking. They all are actually. What happened, did inflation hit implant market that hard?


I would need to see a before picture before casting judgement. Maybe they were all ugly before botox. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ Either way botox would be pointless.