Vatican confirms Catholics still forbidden to join Masonic lodges (1 Viewer)

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I thought Masonic lodges went out of style whenever "The Honeymooners" Tv show ended. 😂

But don't forget that the catholic priests do think is is okay to fuck a little boy in the ass. That's a gay pedophile!
Technically it's not. It would be dependant an the age. A pedophile is labeled that because the adolescent hasn't been thru puberty.


Forum Veteran
From what I've read & spoken of with Masons---the church excommunicated the Knights Templar, some were said to have fled to Scotland instead of facing torture by the Inquisition (who were formed to er 'question' the Templars as normal torturers couldn't torture religious sects, the church had to do it) they hid there, held their religious rites in secret, centuries past, the Templar name was still shit with the church & gradually a new sect was formed with no Templar baggage & no relationship to Templars so they could expand their membership in the open (so to speak) Masons deny any affiliation with Templars, though early Mason headstones & what's thought to be Templar headstones of an age before Masons were founded all share similar carvings on them, the plot thickens. For my money Templars did morph into Masons & the church has long memories, been so long ago. who knows, but, why would the church ban membership?


Paul 6 was member of a masonic lodge himslef or was he just blackmailed by members of a masonic lodge ? notice that since 1950 hassan al bana and the muslim brotherhood international network has been infiltrating our democratic institutions precisely through masonic lodges


It is what it is, so I hear
From what I've read & spoken of with Masons---the church excommunicated the Knights Templar, some were said to have fled to Scotland instead of facing torture by the Inquisition (who were formed to er 'question' the Templars as normal torturers couldn't torture religious sects, the church had to do it) they hid there, held their religious rites in secret, centuries past, the Templar name was still shit with the church & gradually a new sect was formed with no Templar baggage & no relationship to Templars so they could expand their membership in the open (so to speak) Masons deny any affiliation with Templars, though early Mason headstones & what's thought to be Templar headstones of an age before Masons were founded all share similar carvings on them, the plot thickens. For my money Templars did morph into Masons & the church has long memories, been so long ago. who knows, but, why would the church ban membership?
maybe because of all the shit u just said ?💀