bizarre WTF Is Wrong With People (2 Viewers)

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Utter bastard
I was just outside of the castle in Winsor, my oldest son was quite young and I was sat on a bench bottle feeding him.. then I noticed these 2 unmistakable American tourists pointing a camcorder at me ( 100% because or my hairstyle ) and I had to shout at them to ' not point that fucking camera at me!' some other people looked around at me with shocked faces, so I exclaimed that those Americans are fucking rude cunts!


I Fucked Your Porsche
I apologize in advance for the length of this message, but it needs to be published for everyone's edification.

It's really very simple, folks. Public photography in the civilized world is not a crime! There is freedom of the press in Japan. The Japanese are famous for recording everything everywhere they go, so much so in fact, they have become a stereotype for generations worldwide from doing exactly that! You have no expectation of privacy while you are in public. If you are going to play archaic dress up like a geisha wearing very expensive and beautiful traditional attire in public for fun, or for Halloween, or for your job, or to be to be noticed, you are going to get noticed and photographed! Make it fun! Otherwise, dress like a casual schlub like everyone else with your Grateful Dead t-shirt, your "Fuck you!" hat and your flip flops and disappear into obscurity where you belong! As for me, if you want my picture in full scythe-wielding reaping regalia and I'm in public, Halloween or not, that is allowed with or without my permission. That's what it means to be in public! Doh! Learn it, live it or leave it!

If you believe people need your permission to take your picture in public, then you've been watching far too many celebrities delusionally imagine they have privacy while they're in public, too. Frank Sinatra started that bullshit with his security goons breaking cameras of photographers while he was out in public almost a century ago. That's illegal on many counts, assault and/or battery, sudden robbery or theft by snatching, destruction of private property, and a violation of civil rights with respect to freedom of the press as everyone is allowed to engage in recording images, video and audio while in public, period. Otherwise, journalists and photographers would all be in prison everywhere. They aren't. Rather, criminals that commit assault, robbery, destruction of property, and civil rights violations are indeed in jail, or they should be as the law breakers they are.

Enjoy your freedoms while you still have them, or you could be sentenced to years in prison in a totalitarian regime for being a tourist and taking a picture of someone in a kimono like she was a noblewoman in feudal Japan during the seventeenth century! They do that kind of uncivilized bullshit in Russia, China and North Korea. I know. I've been to two of those three shitholes. They all suck under the iron boot of oppression and there is no freedom of the press. They have never enjoyed that freedom, or any other actually, which is why they can never be trusted as nations or as people, ever. They even confiscated cameras and recording devices of Olympians during the games they hosted in those third world shitholes so the athletes couldn't prove they were competing in third world shitholes with pictures and video! Much to those hosts' chagrins, embarrassment and humiliation on the world stage, evidence of their chicanery and vast inferiority was published worldwide nevertheless by more hidden and discreet means.

Besides, and this is equally important for your educations with respect to this, every single one of you here that are members should be grateful and thank your lucky stars every day you visit for the awesome paradigm of public photography! It's what this entire wonderfully maintained and cared for labor of love website is all about, folks recording all manner of life and death in public as it happens and freely sharing it! Doh!²

Thank you for your time reading this. As such, I hope you actually learned something by this friendly and truthful note. Perhaps you should take a picture of it or print it out and hang it on your wall so you'll remember that photography is not a crime and it is by far less evil than totalitarian state-run censorship. In fact, without freedom of the press as it exists right now, we are all lost and at the mercy of a most inherently corrupt world, indeed.

"Here's looking at you, kid." - Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine in Casablanca (1942)
Your pal,
Valid point.


If this is reality then hell would be a vacation.
As of a few days ago Japan has made it illegal for foreigners to be in certain sections of town where the geishas are so they won't be harassed.Good for Japan looking after their people.