Anyone believe in the frazzledrip video? (1 Viewer)

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From what I heard it's an actual video of hillary clinton cutting of someone's face that was "leaked". Has anyone ever seen it?
i haven’t seen the video. i think a few people saw it but they “mysteriously died.” i personally believe it to be true, evidence points towards it. there’s leaked emails i’ve seen that link to it. i also once found a photo from it, not sure if it’s real. but it was the kids head all mangled up and shit.


Human Unit Never Killed
😆 I forgot about this supposed video.
It was Hillary and another woman I can't remember her name supposedly cut a young girls face off and murdered her.
I call bullshit.
Huma Abedin. I’ve seen it. Hillary cuts the girls face off and puts it over her own like Leatherface. She laughs and throws the cut off face to Huma who does the same thing. Then they clink wine glasses full of blood together and drink it. I’m not joking.
From what I heard it's an actual video of hillary clinton cutting of someone's face that was "leaked". Has anyone ever seen it?
its very true, it was on weiners laptop. 12 detectives who viewed it are now dead. It is a horrific video. They torture a little girl for her adrenaline, sexually abuse her and cut her face off. They dance around with the girls face on their own. Then they kill her and drain her blood to get the adrenachrome. I am trying to find a copy of it but the internet has been totally scrubbed of it. I hear it is on the dark web but I was told to stay away from there. I have several still pictures of it but I want the movie clip so I can post it elsewhere. So if anyone knows where to get a free copy.
Huma Abedin. I’ve seen it. Hillary cuts the girls face off and puts it over her own like Leatherface. She laughs and throws the cut off face to Huma who does the same thing. Then they clink wine glasses full of blood together and drink it. I’m not joking.
its very true, it was on weiners laptop. 12 detectives who viewed it are now dead. It is a horrific video. They torture a little girl for her adrenaline, sexually abuse her and cut her face off. They dance around with the girls face on their own. Then they kill her and drain her blood to get the adrenachrome. I am trying to find a copy of it but the internet has been totally scrubbed of it. I hear it is on the dark web but I was told to stay away from there. I have several still pictures of it but I want the movie clip so I can post it elsewhere. So if anyone knows where to get a free copy.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
its very true, it was on weiners laptop. 12 detectives who viewed it are now dead. It is a horrific video. They torture a little girl for her adrenaline, sexually abuse her and cut her face off. They dance around with the girls face on their own. Then they kill her and drain her blood to get the adrenachrome. I am trying to find a copy of it but the internet has been totally scrubbed of it. I hear it is on the dark web but I was told to stay away from there. I have several still pictures of it but I want the movie clip so I can post it elsewhere. So if anyone knows where to get a free copy.
You have stills but won't share unless you can see the video?





Take no prisoner
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its very true, it was on weiners laptop. 12 detectives who viewed it are now dead. It is a horrific video. They torture a little girl for her adrenaline, sexually abuse her and cut her face off. They dance around with the girls face on their own. Then they kill her and drain her blood to get the adrenachrome. I am trying to find a copy of it but the internet has been totally scrubbed of it. I hear it is on the dark web but I was told to stay away from there. I have several still pictures of it but I want the movie clip so I can post it elsewhere. So if anyone knows where to get a free copy.
Well considering Killary,and other elites gather at Bohemian Grove,to drink dead fetal blood,and witness sacrificial rituals.
Look up world leaders and Bohemian Grove...


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
nobody here knows if it's true or not........ so you can shut your inbred mouths...
of course that nasty commie cunt has murdered people..... all you have to do is have a brain and be able to think something through.... and realize the clitons are surrounded by dead people


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
nobody here knows if it's true or not........ so you can shut your inbred mouths...
of course that nasty commie cunt has murdered people..... all you have to do is have a brain and be able to think something through.... and realize the clitons are surrounded by dead people
Easy there Zippy.
I don't think many of us doubt the Clintons have blood on their hands. They are so good at it though, that the validity of this frazzledrip video is highly doubtful. No way would they be dumb enough to have it on tape, even if it were true.
Easy there Zippy.
I don't think many of us doubt the Clintons have blood on their hands. They are so good at it though, that the validity of this frazzledrip video is highly doubtful. No way would they be dumb enough to have it on tape, even if it were true.
It is very true, I know its hard to believe.
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
It is very true, I know its hard to believe.
Have you seen it for yourself? What convinced you that it's real?
This @triggeratready says they have still shots but won't show us until the video is found. In fact he says 'It's horrific", implying they've seen it but mysteriously don't have possession of the video. Odd, right? I mean, why wouldn't you keep a copy?
Have you seen it for yourself? What convinced you that it's real?
People have seen it. I have stills of the girl they killed but not facial shots of HRC. According to Detectives it was her, the video is completely scrubbed of the internet. And considering her contacts She has the money to make it disappear. But here are copies out here somewhere.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
People have seen it. I have stills of the girl they killed but not facial shots of HRC. According to Detectives it was her, the video is completely scrubbed of the internet. And considering her contacts She has the money to make it disappear. But here are copies out here somewhere.
Post the stills you have.