Serious Has Gore Gotten Easier Or Harder To Watch Over Time? (1 Viewer)

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I watch and very rarely “feel” something with anything. I remember when I started 12ish I’d feel sickish and like holy shit is this real! Good times 😈


It's most def became easier and more pleasant to watch, well maybe pleasant isn't the right word. Back when the beheadings of journalist from Iraq and Afghanistan where circulating around the web I would get a super sinking feeling in my stomach from just the sounds but now this crazy shit calms my anxiety down. Not sure why but I guess the mind has a way of adapting.


Little bird
Easier, sadly. THings just get duller and duller, its hard to find content nowadays that makes me sick, and thats the whole point of this for me, feeling something.
But i guess the more you see, the more you get used to seeing. Probably works like exposure to porn too


Well Known Member
Definitely gotten easier for me to watch, as years have gone by. It always surprises me when ppl are so shocked by the sight of gore and violence. It's the real world, unfortunately, and it won't get better any time soon.
There is no getting better , humans are parasitic leeches sucking the earth dry , maybe soon earth will be saved with world war 3.

Gore was difficult in the teenage years but when life beats you down with various obstacles in life you become cold , and after years of gore watching it has become like eating breakfast every morning, Well I do not like innocent ppl to get hurt , but I find people who commit suicide weak, I by nature am a misanthropic person so humans are parasitic in my eyes and there is no improving it's only downwards now , I cannot tolerate stupidity and weakness .
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Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
I'll tell you this, Garrett. Take a break every now and then, don't lose your sense of humanity, even if I watch a gore video I know at the end of the day what I saw was someone probably losing their mom/dad. Whether it's deserved or not is a different discussion, if the person who died wasn't a chomo, murderer, human trafficker, or politician. I'm admittedly gonna feel a little bad, I know I myself wouldn't ever want to be pictured on this sight.


I view these sites & watch these videos of murder, suicide, shootings, cartels, workplace accident, etc. & so on cause I can't sleep alot & I always wanted to work with the dead or in forensic science. I do feel for the victims & my boyfriend can't stand hearing me watch these he says he's empathic & the screaming & shit bothers him


It's not that gore has gotten easier to watch for me. It's moreso that as I grow older, I understand that the world isn't always sunshine and rainbows and that people do terrible things to each other and have terrible things happen to them on a regular basis.

I feel extreme sorrow for the people in these photos and videos, but then I remember that the world ain't Disneyland.


What was weird for me I never had a hard time watching gore. The first time I watched it was when I was 11 there was some videos on an old computer we had that was bought in a pawn shop. I did my digging around the computer had porn and gore videos on it. It was all easy watching it I do not know why. I loved it. Never got disgusted by it. I'm insane I guess.

Porcelain doll

Easier for me, I was watching Isis beheading videos back in 2014 when I was 13/14 which introduced me to watch heavier gore like cartels. It helps in my nursing placements especially in surgery rotation something I want to specialise in and it makes me cautious and not do dumb shit in my daily life.


It is what it is, so I hear
honestly, it’s maybe easier at the cost of mental? i’ve watched so much of this shit that it’s kinda made it hard for me to sleep or i’ll find myself thinking of it during my day to day life. that’s just me personally. some shit still turns my stomach on here but overall it doesn’t faze me as much as it did first coming into it.

it’s also made me more grateful for life and sympathetic to folks too.
I saw a man hang himself and his baby a few days ago. That was uh... yeah, that was tough. One thing is for certain. If I wasn't completely desensitized before, I am now.


Just leave it there, as it supposed to be.
Mijn persoonlijke mening is dat bloedverschil bloedverschil maakt geen enkel verschil. niet mee eens.