Florida Cam. Watch Hatching and Raising of Bald Eagles (5 Viewers)

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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
How quiet the little ones were crouched down during the intruder was in the nest. But no signs of panic or so.
What might the other eagle have wanted? Do they steal each other's food? Or worse, prey on the eaglets?

Sad to read that about Harriet. Can the eaglets survive with only one parent? Protection, food.. all done by one. Hard times in the eagles' nest. :(
Hard times indeed.
The babies know when to lay low and not move. They can tell by M's vocals that he's calling out warnings to the intruder and probably calling for Harriet's backup. The other eagle probably senses that Harriet is gone and M is on his own. It could be after the food, the babies, or the nest. It could be a female too, checking things out, perhaps showing herself to M. He will choose another mate at some point, maybe even before the babes fly off on their own. In eagle world, life moves forward. He has a long road ahead, lots to teach, protect, feed. Harriet nurtured him and taught him all she knew, she did an excellent job. M is an amazing provider. If he gets injured defending the nest, not sure if CROW will step in and pull the babes or let nature runs its course. I'd like to think they would go up and get them, this nest is special. Harriet and Ozzie, then Harriet and M15 have touched thousands of us humans around the world.

This territory was Ozzies and he brought Harriet as his lifetime mate. When he passed away, the territory became Harriets. Now that she's gone, and I do believe she's dead. The territory belongs to M15. She most likely was injured in a fight defending against intruders, got hurt and couldn't get home. She wasn't young, she's 25 26ish. A younger eagle would be a tough fight, even with Harriet being a badass. If she couldn't fly, she couldn't eat or drink or get out of the elements.
Not a happy out for our Lovely Queen.
I do hope a miracle happens and she comes back...
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
After watching the brave intruder a couple times, it was only after the food. It step from crib rail to the nest proper quite comfortably, almost as if it was familiar with the nest. Like maybe he or she was raised and fledged from this nest, remembers this nest. Even with M screaming his head off. There's only one eaglet I've always thought would come home and act as though he belonged there. That eaglet, who now is a mature adult at 6ish years old, would be none other than the beloved E9.
That intruder could very well be him.

The babes in the nest now are E21 and E22. E stands for eaglet and the numbers represent the full live hatchlings from Harriet. The family that owns the property put the cameras up in 2001 I believe, so that others could enjoy the eagles like they did everyday during mating season. That's when the counting of babies started but Harriet had a couple clutches prior to the cameras. So Lovely Harriet has given us roughly 26 eaglets. Now, some didn't live til fledge, but not many. Most thrived and went off to live thier own eagle lives. She will be thought of often and missed dearly.

Lovely Harriet 2023
eagles Harriot head 10-27-2022.jpg
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold

Harriet has been gone over 3 weeks. There are people looking for her but the chances of finding her remains are slim, but ya never know so they're searching. Amazing eagle she was, full of attitude, determination, wisdom... she'll hold a place in the hearts of many.
I'd like to think she's with her beloved Ozzie and together they'll watch over their nest and those that will live on in it, always.
Bye Harriet...

Some updates: M and the E's are moving on. I envy the quickness in which they recover from the loss, while we humans heal at a snails pace.
Ok... here we go, turning the page.
I got this... I think.

SWF   how cute are 21+22   2--22-23.jpg

The three of them are doing pretty good all things considered. M is bringing in food like a boss, protecting his little ones, king of his territory. The babes are 47ish days old and almost as big as he is.


The nest has a bachelor pad look to it, housekeeping is last thing on M's too do list.

The owls have been their hard hitting, night blitzing, shithead selves... haven't gone for the E's... yet.

Annnnd... the intruder, is a female. She's been an active little birdie in the nest, yes indeedy. She's spent a few nights perched next to M(some awake as if on alert), stolen food, beaked the babies, brought her own food to eat, knocked M out of the nest... I don't like her one bit. She's been given R23-3 for identification purposes. She has some injured toes, she's bigger than M, and her beak is a lighter yellow than M's. (*the darker the yellow means more fish in their diet*). Wonder where this R23 came from with a beak so light.

R= Rogue(w/no nest, mate, intrudes)
23= year
3= third female to the nest tree

This is interesting and dare I say impressive... she feeds the babes.

They started self feeding and rail walking... good lawd, get down from there!!!

E22: Look at me, betcha can't do this...
SWF   goof grief-look at 22   2-24-23.jpg
what ya chicken...
SWF   look at me 21   2-24-23.jpg
no way, move over...
SWF   move oveer   2-24-23.jpg
MOVE! I'm slipping, hold my wing...
SWF   help me balance   2-24-23.jpg
E21 sup shorty, higher than you, I win
SWF   21 takes a turn   2-24-23.jpg
wanna do that again?
SWF   they talk it over   2-24-23.jpg

Nest is looking pretty rough, no rails on the left... yikes
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
M15 to the nest with a huge fish...
22023mq fish.jpg
the food thief R23 follows him ...
154p Iv2nest e22 self feed 5aa.PNG.png
she goes for the fish, M mantles over the fish and the E's...
136pm I looks 3a.PNG.png
she's persistant, M isn't having it this time...
136p M mantles es IV is over e22.PNG.png
he stands his ground over the food and babes...
138p IV left the nest.PNG.png
his wings cover the food and E's, she gives up...
136p M mants 4U IV nest rails UU.PNG.png
up to the veranda she goes, watching...
138p iv 2Veranda.PNG.png
M works on his monter fish and feeds his babies in peace...
142p M largfish UU.PNG.png

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M15 View attachment 661428
Harriet has been gone over 3 weeks. There are people looking for her but the chances of finding her remains are slim, but ya never know so they're searching. Amazing eagle she was, full of attitude, determination, wisdom... she'll hold a place in the hearts of many.
I'd like to think she's with her beloved Ozzie and together they'll watch over their nest and those that will live on in it, always.
Bye Harriet...

Some updates: M and the E's are moving on. I envy the quickness in which they recover from the loss, while we humans heal at a snails pace.
Ok... here we go, turning the page.
I got this... I think.

View attachment 661435
The three of them are doing pretty good all things considered. M is bringing in food like a boss, protecting his little ones, king of his territory. The babes are 47ish days old and almost as big as he is.

View attachment 661433E22View attachment 661434
The nest has a bachelor pad look to it, housekeeping is last thing on M's too do list.

The owls have been their hard hitting, night blitzing, shithead selves... haven't gone for the E's... yet.

Annnnd... the intruder, is a female. She's been an active little birdie in the nest, yes indeedy. She's spent a few nights perched next to M(some awake as if on alert), stolen food, beaked the babies, brought her own food to eat, knocked M out of the nest... I don't like her one bit. She's been given R23-3 for identification purposes. She has some injured toes, she's bigger than M, and her beak is a lighter yellow than M's. (*the darker the yellow means more fish in their diet*). Wonder where this R23 came from with a beak so light.

R= Rogue(w/no nest, mate, intrudes)
23= year
3= third female to the nest tree

This is interesting and dare I say impressive... she feeds the babes.

They started self feeding and rail walking... good lawd, get down from there!!!

E22: Look at me, betcha can't do this...
View attachment 661464what ya chicken...View attachment 661469no way, move over...View attachment 661468MOVE! I'm slipping, hold my wing...View attachment 661467E21 sup shorty, higher than you, I win View attachment 661466wanna do that again? View attachment 661465
Nest is looking pretty rough, no rails on the left... yikes

That's an interesting twist in the story... they got a kind of stepmother. Didn't know this behavior in birds.
Nice update again, dev. 💙


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
That's an interesting twist in the story... they got a kind of stepmother. Didn't know this behavior in birds.
Nice update again, dev. 💙
Thank you M. :hatsoff:

I haven't looked since that post. I do know both E's were branching(hopping and sorta flying from branch to branch to nest) a couple weeks ago. They were on the morning news, so that's excellent. M has done so good, bless his heart. Harriet would be so proud of him.

The step parenting thing is unique, but not unheard of. If the E's had been little goobers, things might have not turned out so good. Chances are she would have killed them to get rid of Harriets lineage and started her own. I'm positive M would have fought to the death to save them, Im glad they were nearly grown when she showed up.

Nest Fact:
When M showed up at just 5 years old and started courting Harriet, she had I believe it was E7 and E8 in the nest. She was taking care of them by herself because Ozzie had been injured in a fight and was at CROW being rehabilitated. Could have been M he fought with, no one knows for sure. When he was released back close to the nest, three months had passed and Harriet had moved on with M15. They for sure fought at that point and Ozzie was found dead in someones back yard from his wounds a few days later.
M helped Harriet raise those two babes and they left the nest when they were called to the sky. So he knows a little about being a step parent himself.

I'll go have a look and see how everythings going. It's hard to look though without Harriet there in all her glory. She really was quite amazing.
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
E21 and E22 are 14 wks old.
E stands for eaglet.
21 and 22 represent the number of hatchlings Harriet has had since the cams have been streaming(2007). These are Harriet and M15's last babies together. I can't believe it, tbh...
They became a mated pair when Harriet had E7 and E8 in the nest and we are looking at 21 and 22 now. That's ALOT of babes they've raised and sent out on their own. These two will be off pretty soon to start their own lifes journey. I wish them a long and splendid life. M15 will stay once they're gone, it's his territory now. Harriet taught him well, he took it all in and has become a fine majestic eagle. We'll see what next year brings, if he restores the nest in this tree that's held many eaglets, or if he moves somewhere else in his territory. I know he misses her, even with the passage of time. They were quite the pair, he adored his queen.
Harriet was last seen on February 2nd.

E21 hanging out, the pond would be to his left, nest tree to the right a bit. Looks a bit melonchaly, it's going to be ok E21. She loves you too.

E22 has some nesting material, looks a little like Harriets beloved bobbles of pine boughs that were always in the nest.

Both in the nest tree, E22 is up above...

Together in the very old pine close to the office, waiting on Dad to bring home dinner.

Dad brings fish, intruder(adult eagle)follows Dad to the nest.
E22 defensive and runs that intruder out of their nest and away from dinner.
Good job Bebe E, well done!

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21 and 22 represent the number of hatchlings Harriet has had..
Wasn't aware of that, thought the numbers might be of all observed/counted eaglets in this specific area or something like that. But since 2007 is a long timespan, about 15 years. So did they have seasons with only one eaglet? Or a full stop for a year?

I had to laugh when suddenly the intruder's head showed up again from below.


Chief Queef

Last of the Mohicans
Let's hope that second egg doesn't hatch lest all you bleeding hearts wish an introduction into the Cain and Abel syndrome often found in predatory chicks...


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Wasn't aware of that, thought the numbers might be of all observed/counted eaglets in this specific area or something like that. But since 2007 is a long timespan, about 15 years. So did they have seasons with only one eaglet? Or a full stop for a year?

I had to laugh when suddenly the intruder's head showed up again from below.

View attachment 677299
Pretty sure it's that female I do NOT like. She's a pushy wench. He didn't pick a mate, though he had offers. There were a few females that were bold enough to land in the nest and show themselves. The one I don't like he did attempt some whoopie with, but I think that was a knee jerk reaction and it didn't go well. He started kicking her to the curb after that and became super defensive. He finished raising his and Harriets babes alone. They'll be leaving soon and their love story will come to an end.
Jeez... 😭

That's just Harriet's hatchling count, on the cams. She and Ozzie had seasons with babes prior in that same nest tree, so she'd have had closer to 30 babes all told. There were some seasons(on camera) where one egg wasn't viable, but not many. There were only 2 eggs that didn't hatch in the years that I've been watching. Some eaglets hatched but didn't survive for one reason or another, but again, not many. She has never had a season where she didn't have a clutch. In fact one season she laid two eggs but one egg wasn't viable and the babe that did hatch lost it's life early to rodent poisoning. Everyone thought the season was over, but they surprised us all when she produced another clutch. Those two eggs hatched, fledged and went out into the world when nature said it's time to go.

E14 Florida Cam. Watch Hatching and Raising of Bald Eagles
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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold

She followed them to the nest after M (top right) brought food. That pushy wench got kicked out by E22 while M watched. Good job E22!
SWF   intruder lands on 21   4-21-23.jpg
A tangle of mantels over the food, LOL
SWF   M brings UFO-pile of juvies   4-21-23.jpg
They both got some and went to their corners, still manteling... LOL
SWF   love the dlouble mantle   4-21-23.jpg
They settle and eat... ♡
SWF   both eating   4-21-23.jpg
After dinner conversations... LOL
These two are too much. ♡♡
SWF   Es together on U braznch   4-21-23.jpg


The E's soar together, riding the thermals this morning. This is a sign that they'll be leaving soon. Goodbye babies...

Someone made a sign for Harriet and put it on the fence with Ozzies. ♡
SWF   new sign--Harriet   4-23.jpg


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Too bad it's in this mediocre quality.

View attachment 685991
That is one HUGE bird. The talons must be near a foot long. Harriet and M's were in the 4/5 inch range and Bald Eagles are much smaller. Still a good size bird, but significantly smaller. Everything about that bird says strength and power, from feet to wings. Imagine being that critter and right at the last moment feeling like something is wrong, looking up and seeing that beast speeding towards you in a vertical 100 mile an hour dive?
Oh hell naw... LOL.

This reminds me of M with Harriet and E9 standing there. 😥

Watched a video a photographer made of Osprey's fishing. Amazing slow mo footage and still shots.
I'll go find it, it's really good.

Solomon Kane

And so it begins..


  • image000000.jpg
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That is one HUGE bird. The talons must be near a foot long. Harriet and M's were in the 4/5 inch range and Bald Eagles are much smaller. Still a good size bird, but significantly smaller. Everything about that bird says strength and power, from feet to wings. Imagine being that critter and right at the last moment feeling like something is wrong, looking up and seeing that beast speeding towards you in a vertical 100 mile an hour dive?
Oh hell naw... LOL.

This reminds me of M with Harriet and E9 standing there. 😥
View attachment 685992

Watched a video a photographer made of Osprey's fishing. Amazing slow mo footage and still shots.
I'll go find it, it's really good.

Yes, the poor piggy.. same 'cruel' nature that took eagle Harriet away. Tried to get more info about that pic but it was re-re-retweeted several times without a source. Small young boars we call Frischling, that's maybe ~freshling or freshman.
Wasn't really aware (or forgot) that Bald Eagles are smaller than the others. The big ones (King's Eagles called in German) are rare here anyway, I saw maybe one only from faaar away. The biggest bird I've seen with my eyes in the wilderness was a 'bone breaker' in the Spanish mountains. It's a vulture (Bearded Vulture) that searches for large bones of dead animals, grab them, flies high, and lets them fall down to smash into small pieces. It really eats and digests bones... not yummy. It's up to 9 - 10 ft wingspan and the bone-breaking behavior was distinctive and easy to spot in the mountains. It's the only place in Europe they're living.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
I consider myself lucky when I see wild happenings and I actually do see a lot. My timing of turning my head at the right time, or looking up, over, down... Knowing where and when to look. I'd love both those birds you mention. 10 foot wing span?! It's hard to picture a bone crushing bird with 10 foot wings.

And yes, same cruel nature.
Cruel for us, natural for them.
For in the end we all must go.
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I consider myself lucky when I see wild happenings and I actually do see a lot. My timing of turning my head at the right time, or looking up, over, down... Knowing where and when to look. I'd love both those birds you mention. 10 foot wing span?! It's hard to picture a bone crushing bird with 10 foot wings.

And yes, same cruel nature.
Cruel for us, natural for them.
For in the end we all must go.

You're blessed because you're living on the ocean's coast 💙
I always feel like a 'better human' when near (in/on) the sea but I have to drive 2 or 3 days first to get to a peaceful spot in France or Spain. It's not for every day.

Yes, it's really so big, up to 3 meters.
He got its name 'bearded vulture' from the kind of mustache/goatee on its beak. Because it doesn't eat on carcasses directly, it has nice feathers around the head and neck.



And eating.. that's apparently small enough for them. :rolleyes:

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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Holy crap, look at that thing swallowing a leg!!! Here I'm always nervous when Harriet and M start giving the babes feet and bones from cattle egrets and tails from opossums. This monster bird is swallowing whole deer legs. LOL
It's a good looking bird for being a vulture.

Here's the osprey video and still shots...
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