Does anyone know a murderer? or have had an encounter with one? (3 Viewers)

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silent ghost
Yeah, last time I saw him, after he was bailed out by my 96 year old grandmother (who I tried to talk her out of putting up the $15,000 for it), he was over at her house along with his dad, brother, my twin bro, and me.

I had a few words with him, which pissed off his dad. I didn't cuss or swear at him or anything. The thing that pissed me off the most was....

He tried blaming the police!!

I'm no supporter of the fucking pigs by any means, but he tried to blame the police for using his own words against him during the first hearing!

I was all like:

"You KILLED someone! The lady you killed burned up, alive and trapped in her car, while her husband's head was on fire, and had to be held back as he tried diving right back into the burning wreckage to get to his wife! And you're all over here mad that the cops used your own words against you!?"

And furthermore, our nanna bailed him out of prison!

Oh, I was furious. My brother and I got in a huge argument with his dad when we said we were spending the night at the house (he and his dad lived with my nanna at her house.) Nope. There was no ifs ands or buts. We were going to make sure he wasn't going to run away and stiff her of that bail money!

Essentially, my twin bro and I were self-declared bounty hunters for nanna, lol.

That entire conversation also consisted in me and my brother telling Aaron we were no longer friends. He was still our cousin, but definitely not friends. Had to tell him that, after he was found guilty and served whatever time he was given; and a period of time after he's released (whenever that may be), and he's proven himself, then maybe one day we could be friends again.
oh so he has a few yrs left to go then.
so is gram still alive or did she pass?
i assume his father is grams son and he will get/got the house after she passes,so he will have a place to stay and not be homeless and maybe get his life back on track. or,still remain a wanna be gangsta and keep getting into trouble.
the choice is his. its up to him. and by the sounds of things with his history and what you just tole me,he sounds like a narcissist. so he will always be the victim and not take responsibility. which he will most likely be back in jail. kinda like one of my brothers.


My ex used to be in a relationship with a drug dealer/murderer I didn’t really pry too much tbh but she had a pretty big scar on her arm from when he came at her with a knife.


While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
I know 2 murderers who are doing life but I also know someone who killed around 8-10 people, legally lol


A bit of a late reply but yes I do. Two very old 30 yrs ago frends but only reallyhad contactbybthe odd phone call. 1 killed a man over drugs and the other killed his carer as he had mental health issues. Couldn't actually believe. 1 is still in prison and the other 1 has been released. I no longer have any contact. Sorry late reply I've only just joined. Have a nice day 😊


I have a confession to make. I was out 1 night walking. I didn't see them coming but before I knew it, they were all over me. I fought back as hard as I could. I'm not sure how many there were but I know there was blood everywhere and at least 10 bodies around me maybe more. This haunts me Everytime I leave my house at night. Always scared that the rest will come after me for revenge......damn mosquitoes.


Gone exploring, leave a message after the beep.
Yes, one of my friends stabbed her boyfriend to death in self defence about 6 years ago. I don’t think she’s a murderer but his family does.


Open Your Fucking Mouth Bitch!
Yes and No. Not my place to delve into detail about something so vivid an experience, when it was not mine. Meet a murderer and ask them if you're interested. What are you expecting to receive with finding someone on the internet who knows someone else who's committed homicide?


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I


A most average man, just even average-er.
Yes i have known a murderer and he always was a scumbag.
Robbing people, beating people up, accused of rxpe.
He got arrested for punching a 70yr old man in the face off his bicycle then robbing him when he was twitching on the floor, the old man died.
Guess how long he got in jail?...
Mate people get longer for selling a draw of weed wtf is wrong with the justice system in the UK🤬🤬🤬 he should be under the jail


Well Known Member
I have a religious uncle who I believe murdered his brother because he was moving away to a new province and he wanted his money. He was afraid he wouldn't be his executor any more so he poisoned him. I wish I could prove it.
i recall a couple of creeps that no one stopped them from an activity that directly/immediately caused their death (one while i watched) one guy fancied himself a terrorist of sorts, had gotten a copy of the anarchists cookbook, was building a bomb to blow up his ex wife, i left when he was rigging the timer for a home made plastic explosive device, it blew up in his face. completely destroyed the barn, i laughed all the way home


I knew this guy: v=aQ5g6Px00N0

He killed his "friend" with 70 stabs and put him in a bag and buried him not far from his place. The killer was my childhood friend and I even mentioned him that the guy (who he killed) was missing and people are looking for him on facebook. I spent a lot of time with him after the murder, we played catan at his place and smoked weed, watched rick and morty, played instruments and all. He was such a talented musician, he could actually have been a very successful street musician and performer or with education even more than that.
I remember saying to him, I am proud of him for starting to clean up his room. Little did I know he cleaned up because of the blood. Sad story because he was a unique, sensitive and valuable person, but a friend of the guy he murdered hit him in the head (temple) with a padlock breaking his skull and then they threw him on the street without even calling an ambulance. He lost most of his hearing in one of his ear and developed tinnitus and the recovery was almost a year. I guess could not get over this as a musician and also he had cocaine problems.
He did the murder because the guy he killed didn't want to help him track down the other one who broke his skull.


While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naïve.
My husband is in prison for attempted murder


I had a relative by the name of Russell Ellwood. He was a suspect in the Storyville slayings in Louisiana in the early to mid 90s. He definitely killed one prostitute but I suspect he killed closer to a dozen. He wrote me plenty of letters from prison before he died…mostly assertions that he’s innocent, and complex math equations that go over my head.