Does anyone know a murderer? or have had an encounter with one? (2 Viewers)

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While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
How are you doing it’s nice to meet you,now you can say you met someone.


While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
Yea my oldest brother killed 6 people and he only told me about 1


Fresh Meat
I was behind main and Hastings rbc when I was an addict a few years back and I watched this dude stab this guy like 15 times I just turned my back and continued getting high, it didn’t sound good that’s for sure lol


ReallyJess is my fabulous Fag-hag
I was in prison in the late 90s, for being a stupid bastard (one of the reasons I got caught), and while I was in the local prison, I met - within 20-minutes of arriving in the can - a life prisoner who (in his heyday) had been a truck driver. And sometimes, while he was delivery cargo up and down the length of the British Isles, he'd sometimes pick up women. Hitch-hikers, mainly (although I believe he did pick up prostitutes too from time to time). He'd subdue them, rape them, strangle them, and dump their bodies at various truck-stop lay-bys. And if on the return journey, he found himself feeling aroused, he'd go back to those lay-bys, to have another go with them - I'm assuming their remains were still fresh to a degree. He managed to rack up a fair few kills, before he was caught by the police, and because he was deemed to be criminally insane, he was given a life sentence. Actual life - never to be released again, because of the danger he poses to women.

Where did I meet this guy? At the Entrance desk, where we had to strip out of our civilian clothing, and put on prison attire. He was an Orderly - he was "trusted prisoner", who worked the lower end of prison admin, processing prisoners, etc. He had originally been at one of max security prisons down in Glasgow, but after doing 20-years, he'd been moved to a lower category prison - which happened to be the one that I was sent to. I just thought he was a weird-looking fatman, with odd piercing staring eyes. I only found out about his past a few days later. He had a cell to himself (which was rare back then) because although he wasn't a homosexual, he had previous form for sexually assaulting other prisoners, especially if they were small or weak-looking, or looked feminine.

I for the life of me cannot remember his name, and taking into account that he must have been in his 60's when I met him, he's gotta be long dead by now.


My paternal grandfather did time for murder. This was after my grandmother divorced him. She was then murdered by one of her brothers who then killed himself. My father turned out to be a monster.


Well Known Member
I know and knew quite a lot both murdered and been murdered including one that was stabbed to death 10 years after and about 100 yards from where he stabbed his cousin to death.


ReallyJess is my fabulous Fag-hag
My paternal grandfather did time for murder. This was after my grandmother divorced him. She was then murdered by one of her brothers who then killed himself. My father turned out to be a monster.
That's some charming fucking family you've descended from. What are you going to do to top their efforts? Gas a schoolbus full of kids with home-made Sarin?


While I've never met someone who actually killed someone, my cousin is on prison for an attempted murder that she committed when I was in fifth grade. I was never really close enough with her to notice anything different about her, or maybe I was just too young & naive.
I know about a thousand murderers and did time with the worst of the worse. Alton of really good childhood friends have been convicted and will never see the light of day. And I killed a 16 running across the hyway that was commiting suicide. Not my fault but it still did damage to me.


I know and have been around 3.met them all in prison.all were nice guys too just monsters when drunk. Brings the devil out in us all I think
Its not difficult to know someone who has killed someone in Ireland. Especially the north. I'm not gonna go into detail but I know few guys who did time for shooting a cop.


I am related to a suspected serial killer from the 90s who was convicted of one murder but the number is likely closer to 12.


The Arabian Purge
A terrorist actually, I was at my grandmother home in a small village for vacation, me and the girls went to bring water from the well (still use it in countryside) and out of the fucking blue some beast-looking guy, army uniform, popped up from the bushes and kept staring at us. We knew exactly why he was there.
I remember I couldn't moved because of fear my legs just freeze, he yell at us to return and not come back there whereas "they" will beheaded us. That was just awful

new user

Yes, we got into a fight once. He was sentenced to death in Texas.
William Joseph Kitchens
33rd murderer executed in U.S. in 2000
631st murderer executed in U.S. since 1976
14th murderer executed in Texas in 2000
213th murderer executed in Texas since 1976


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Well Known Member
Yeah, they walked this dude through court on the same day as me, he executed some druggie behind a dumpster as she sifted through it looking for drugs he claimed were hidden back there. He gave me a wink, lots of face tats and was smiling the whole time. Seemed pretty proud of himself.
Yes a have a friend that kills vampires at night he uses a silver sword cool guy....but he doesn't get paid for it which is a shame because he keeps us safe


My first cousin killed a 16-year old kid because he thought that kid had tried to steal his car. The law never figured out who killed that kid or why.


I knew one, talked to him just a few weeks before he stabbed his ex to death. Social and nice guy that struggled with amphetamine addiction, sad to see him go from a normal guy to a lunatic..

also, a close friend of mine had a friend that killed another guy infront of 10-15 people, decapitated him and opened the abdomen, and all that because he kissed his girlfriend or whatever, that guy was also using amphetamines..