What are your gruesome fantasies? (2 Viewers)

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Well Known Member
A cure or ability to fully restore brain and other organs damage after hanging. If humanity would have it, we will see literally ocean of good and hot asf hanging vids, but without sad ending 🥴
This could easily go both ways. What if you just strangle someone to death and then re-oxygenate their brain or whatever it was you were hinting at just so you could kill them again over and over. It could be used to heal or to terrorize even more than previously possible


every single woman that I’ve ever let get even slightly close to me in my life has fucked me over majorly. The only way I can sleep at night is to imagine myself tying them up and mercilessly raping and torturing them. It’s the only thing that can calm my brain down nowadays after everything I’ve been through in life.

Father Corpse

We are not your kind
I fantasize shooting myself in the head in some obscure, difficult to find/difficult to reach place. Not being found for years if ever. Just find my half eaten corpse still handcuffed to a tree (so I don’t change my mind)

But also the many hanging videos here are quality, that doesn’t seem all that bad of a way to go, either. Same scenario as above, just with hanging myself. And maybe way up in a tree where I wouldn’t be found for a long long time.

Bruno Puntz Jones

Well Known Member
I would make Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk fight to the death, and then I would kill the winner. I would do the same with Taylor Swift and Beyonce. There would also be a battle royale with the entire Kardashian clan (including the kids) and that mongoloid Kanye. Not exactly "gruesome" overall, but I'd probably throw some torture in somewhere to meet the criterion.

Globe x Swan

Smoke weed, kill Muslims.
I already know how Im going to die. Not in the near future but I know that If for whatever reason I get cancer or some form of dementia, I know that Im going to kill myself in such a way that hopefully it will be remembered for a long time.


Human Rage
Me personally, imagines those human filths who tormented me in the past, slowly getting dissected alive while they feel every nanometer of the cuts, as their organs slowly gets ripped out of their bodies. Blood pouring out as they scream in excruciating pain. Adrenaline getting injected into their system to prevent them from passing out, and flesh torn out bit by bit while they are chained up on the torcher table unable to stop what is happening to them. Then, what was harvested from their bodies are cooked, and served to their families. 😆
I am one of the people that tormented you in the past I bullied the shit out of you in school and now I read some crap about cutting me and injecting me with adrenaline and feeding me to my family. Imagine all you want sissy slut your a victim to bullying and the only bit of power you can feel is when you imagine taking revenge that’s it imagine your living in a fantasy


I want to dry anally rape, Taylor, Swift, while Bugs Bunny beats her in the head with a fireplace poker.🔥