Anyone have/remember the video of l*ve pigs being put through a meat gr*nder? (2 Viewers)

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Well Known Member
I hate to break it to you guys but humans are animals too You’re all banned by that logic.


A most average man, just even average-er.
There should be a rule that even speaking about ANYTHING to do with animal cruelty you get perma banned on site!
What about speaking about speaking about it..?😉

Honestly I didn't realize it was classed as animal abuse, I thought it was some sort of culling method.

I'm not asking if anybody can POST it or saying that I plan on posting such a thing, I'm simply asking if anybody has it or has seen it in the past because it was diabolical and hurt me on a spiritual level.


2) Videos or images of animal cruelty, child abuse or any underage nudity are strictly forbidden. We will act on users who upload any illegal material to our service.
I know its the rule but why is animal cruelty are forbiden ? This make no sense for me humans or animals are the same for me so why i can see how peopel get murdert but when i pic get blown up its to much ?


Super Moderator
TLDR - better safe than sorry
Speak for yourself. I would be curious to see pigs going to slaughter. Don't be one of those cunts who thinks they speak for everyone else.
Pigs going to slaughter are likely on YouTube, and we do allow YouTube links, but more than likely the age restrictions require the user to watch it through the YT app or website. I myself have the initiative to raise poultry, so I can understand this mindset.

However, that is where the line is drawn.

Beyond that you have the people who want to dismember an animal for fun, crush cats with high heels, or the Chinese blatantly boiling dogs while they're alive. That is the shit that will have PETA causing a headache. Furthermore, websites have been shut down over such content.

Hopefully this answers your question, @Sn4ckz