
  1. Lord Gutsy

    accident Bus fucked up the police

  2. Lord Gutsy

    accident Parking on her

  3. Monkman777

    beatings Nice Lounge Area

  4. Lord Gutsy

    accident Riding into school bus

  5. Monkman777

    bizarre The Entertainment Bus

  6. Lord Gutsy

    accident Gal on scooter hit by bus

  7. GenericMale


  8. Monkman777

    bizarre Dude Set Up A Hammock

  9. Lord Gutsy

    accident Bus drove into group of curry munchers

  10. Lord Gutsy

    Funny Chink trying to pull bus

  11. Lord Gutsy

    accident Biker hit bus and fell under truck

  12. Donkeyd

    Crime Busdriver: The boss of bosses

    unfortunately he wasn't around to tell the fella to stop smoking..
  13. Monkman777

    bizarre That's A Tight Turn

  14. Bethy 🔥

    fights You Cant Make This Shit Up FFS

    Oklahoma City Police arrested an Embark passenger for attacking a bus driver while he was driving this past weekend, which sent the bus directly into the side of a building. The passenger was trying to get the bus to stop at a railroad track.
  15. Donkeyd

    beatings Don't F**K with bus drivers

  16. Lord Gutsy

    accident Out of control bus

  17. Lord Gutsy

    accident Curry muncher fell asleep while driving bus

  18. Lord Gutsy

    accident Bus lost control

  19. Lord Gutsy

    accident Bus got him

  20. disciples3

    bizarre Chinking out in bus

  21. Monkman777

    bizarre Gonna Be A Fun Bus Ride

  22. Lord Gutsy

    accident Right into the fucking bus


    fights a bus driver vs a biker in jerusalem

  24. Bethy 🔥

    accident Bus Sent Em’ Running

  25. Lord Gutsy

    accident She got off the bus

  26. Monkman777

    disaster Got Tossed Out The Bus

  27. Lord Gutsy

    accident Hit onto bus

  28. Monkman777

    disaster Mind The Gap

  29. Bethy 🔥

    accident Bus crash into rider

  30. Lord Gutsy

    accident She got caught by the bus

  31. Lord Gutsy

    accident Chinky hit by bus

  32. LittleJohn

    fights Feel Good Video (At Least I Feel Good).

  33. RebelFX

    Warning:Children They're Indian Children so It's ok - Kids Hit By Bus

    On the bright side.... they don't have to go to school anymore.....
  34. Lord Gutsy

    accident Bus parked on him

  35. Lord Gutsy

    accident The bus got her

  36. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Chink pulling the bus

  37. Lord Gutsy

    Warning:Children Little ones crushed by bus

    I did not blur the video, i found it like that.I will update when i get the raw version
  38. Ginjabread man

    accident Brutal bus crash

  39. Lord Gutsy

    fights Fell onto bus

  40. Nobbler

    Funny Angry carrot .

  41. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Bus almost got him

  42. Lord Gutsy

    accident Woman exiting bus

  43. Nobbler

    Crime Chav attack on bus driver.

  44. Lord Gutsy

    accident Bus vs pakis on bike

  45. Monkman777

    disaster Double Decker Becomes Single Decker

  46. Monkman777

    disaster Engine Had Enough

  47. Lord Gutsy

    accident Woman hit by bus

  48. Lord Gutsy

    accident Delivery got delayed

  49. Lord Gutsy

    bizarre Fell out the bus

    Kadaba Times (KADABA TIMES): Uppinangadi: An incident has been reported where a woman who had given up her seat to a woman carrying a child was thrown out of the bus and seriously injured and died. Mrs. Radha (66), a resident of Ninnikall, died on February 7 without any results. On Jan. 31...