Police Cops Gun Down a Knife Wielding Woman - Lancaster, CA (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
She was definitely not “sitting in the ground and got shot in her back”. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Lying ass reporters.
Dude, the backup cop told the woman cop to use her taser. She pulls it out, and immediately hands it to him, then I'm idiately pulls out her service pistol a second time.

She shot and killed the fucking VICTIM.

Um. What!?

Wtf was she doing to him?

Did you listen to the audio? He was sexually assaulting her, and he was trespassing! That was entirely 100% self-defense against that man! And she was absolutely no threat to the fucking murdering pigs. She's the one that called them! The pigs need to be thrown in prison and locked away for good. A fucking menace to society.
Everyone was in the wrong here, the guy who was better off dead, the girl who should have had non lethal options but I do respect the shit out of for standing up to him, and def the cop who shot her after being handed a FUCKING TASER YOU DENSE FUCKING TART


Forum Veteran
Everyone was in the wrong here, the guy who was better off dead, the girl who should have had non lethal options but I do respect the shit out of for standing up to him, and def the cop who shot her after being handed a FUCKING TASER YOU DENSE FUCKING TART
I'm guess the "YOU DENSE FUCKING TART" was in reference to the murdering retarded fucking pig that used a gun to gun down the fucking victim after being handed a god damned taser.

Also, why the hell are these rats not rotting in prison? When did our country just so blatantly give some the power of being above the law? I mean, that's always been the case in practice in reality. But this god damn blatant?