CURES against the nano bio tech vaccine/ parasites / AI biological synthetic parasites/venom spike protein /cancer (1 Viewer)

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For someone who believes he's do educated and better than us infidels your Grammer is shit. So get back in your cave and continue your grade 5 education and come back after you graduate.. dumb ass..
you know one language , I know 7 , you understand me, so stop whyining and stop being jealouse

Ummm....since you Allah freaks call the rest of us infidels and say death to the infidels and all that stuff, I don't think I'll be drinking this Kool aid.
that because Allah swt does not want you to read it while it is in your face like the quran ,, don't be a bitch and cry like a bitch like the ones before you when your soul will meet its destination , you will surrender just like the bitches before you and the bitches after you LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL enjoy hell for eternity dick suckers,,you're just another faggit who needs something in his ass to feel saticfied


Forum Veteran
now everybody is gonna see what a faggit reaction you just gave I waited 5 minutes to answer so you couldn't delete your comment out of shame,

I am afraid you will have to give up your ass again to the admins AGAIN to ask if you're comment could be deleted, lil bitch go wear some make up
You mad bro? Faggots suck dick better.


Forum Veteran
now everybody is gonna see what a faggit reaction you just gave I waited 5 minutes to answer so you couldn't delete your comment out of shame,

I am afraid you will have to give up your ass again to the admins AGAIN to ask if you're comment could be deleted, lil bitch go wear some make up
You were way too clever for us Gottoforget. And now you've gone and got yourself banned too! How very clever you are...

evil retard

room temperature iq
Short Bussed

Fenbendazole inhibits glucose uptake in the parasites. Because of its wide range of activity, its high degree of efficacy, and its broad margin of safety, this anthelmintic is frequently prescribed by veterinarians.

Fenbendazole acts on helminthes primarily by binding to tubulin and disrupting the tubulin microtubule equilibrium; its utility as an antiparasitic drug results from differences in the structures of tubulin in mammalian cells and in lower organisms, which lead to its greater binding to tubulin, and therefore greater


Chloroquine is also used to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis, various parasitic infections, and hepatic amebiasis. It is a relatively safe drug when taken at the appropiate doses


Nitazoxanide inhibits parasitic activity by disrupting energy pathways that are essential for their survival, growth and proliferation. Nitazoxanide inhibits an enzyme known as pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR), which is essential for anaerobic energy metabolism in the parasites.

27.Chlorinedioxide (use to clean house)

ClO2 is a powerful disinfectant that reacts rapidly via oxidation to provide effective microbiocidal impact. It delivers broad spectrum performance against bacteria, fungi, algae, viruses, and parasitic microorganisms. ClO2 kills vegetative microorganisms and effectively deactivates sporulated species.

it is currently categorized as a dietary supplement, and generally recognized as safe


28. Fennel


Bone health. The vitamin and mineral content in fennel contributes to building and maintaining bone structure and strength in the following ways:

Blood pressure. ...

Heart health. ...

Cancer. ...

Immunity. ...

Metabolism. ...

Digestion and regularity. ...

Weight management and satiety.

Adding them to your diet may improve heart health, reduce inflammation, suppress appetite, and even provide anticancer effects. To reap the benefits of fennel and its seeds, try incorporating raw fennel bulb into your salads or using the seeds to flavor soups, broths, baked goods, and fish dishes.

Fennel can also be effective against worms and parasites due to the volatile oil anethole which also gives fennel its characteristic anise flavour. Tiny tummies can also benefit from fennel; its anti-spasmodic action make it a good choice to calm infant colic and fennel is a common ingredient in infant 'gripe waters'

The Ayurveda expert adds that fennel seeds also relieve krumi (worms), baddhavit (constipation), anila (Vata/bloating), daha (burning sensation), aruchi (Anorexia, lack of interest in food), chardi (vomiting) and kasa (cough, cold)

29. Papaya seeds

Papaya seeds contain compounds that naturally kill parasites, mixed with honey was always used to kill parasites.

Papaya seeds are a good source of many important nutrients, including antioxidants, monounsaturated fats, and fiber.

Many benefits

30. Peppermint oil

The antiseptic action of the herb is also significant: indeed, peppermint is characterized by anti-parasitic and germicidal properties, thanks to its polyphenol content.

31. Slippery elm

While Slippery Elm bark may not directly absorb toxins, its ability to create a slippery environment in the gut is understood to help eliminate parasites and other unwanted substances from the body by making it difficult for them to attach to the intestinal walls

32. Clove

he worm-killing effect of clove extracts could be attributed to their strong corrosive effect on the cuticle and tegument of helminths.

33. Black Walnuts


One of the key benefits of Black Walnut Hulls are their ability to expel various kinds of worms and parasites that live in the intestines. Often making an appearance in parasite cleanses, Black Walnut Hulls contain juglandin, juglone and juglandic acids as well as tannins and organic iodine.

The primary active constituent in Black Walnut is a “naphthoquinone”, known as juglone. Juglone is a natural herbicide that exerts an inhibitory effect on certain enzymes needed for metabolic function. It is thought that the high tannin content is also responsible for the anti-parasitic properties of Black Walnut, helping to eliminate microbes from the large intestine. The high tannin and juglone content is also thought to oxygenate the blood which can kill parasites and working as a laxative, it expels parasites as part of its cleansing of the body.


Intestinal Candidiasis is an overgrowth of the Candida fungus, which can actually weaken the walls of the intestines and release toxins into the bloodstream. This plays havoc with the immune system and can manifest in a whole range of baffling symptoms which can be very difficult to diagnose.

The hulls of the Black Walnut are also powerfully anti-fungal, making them a potential Candida killer that may be even more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts. A study conducted at the University of Mississippi in the 1990’s showed it was just as effective, if not more effective, to use Black Walnut, as it was commercial antifungal preparations. The active ingredient, juglone, has been shown in studies to have an anti-fungal activity and it can also prevent Candida from growing and spreading due to its inhibitory effect on enzymes in the yeast that are needed for metabolic function.

Digestive Health

Apart from expelling nasty parasites, fungus and bacteria that can interfere with digestion, Black Walnut Hulls promote healthy digestion and gastrointestinal health. They encourage bowel regularity due to their gentle laxative effect and promote healthy bile flow.

The hull of the Black Walnut is said to tone and heal inflamed intestinal tissue, as well as improving the environment of the digestive tract for more effective assimilation and elimination. It is for this reason that Black Walnut is unusually considered a treatment for both constipation and diarrhoea.

It is also effective against Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) - a bacteria that is responsible for the majority of ulcers that occur in the stomach.

Excessive Sweating

In one of the more unusual benefits of Black Walnut, it is known to help to reduce excessive sweating. The high levels of astringent tannins contained in the hulls are believed to have an effect on overactive sweat glands and decrease the amount of sweat they produce.

34. Pumpkin seeds

The seeds of pumpkins and other vine crops contain the substance cucurbitacin, which has been shown to be a deworming compound.

Pumpkin seeds contain a substance called cucurbitin that paralyzes worms and parasites in the body to remove them

35. Wormwood

Artemisinin, a compound found in wormwood, is thought to have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Research suggests that it does so by tempering the action of proteins called cytokines that help instigate inflammation. By doing so, wormwood may help ease inflammatory symptoms like pain, redness, warmth, and swelling.1

Historically, wormwood has been used to treat pain from labor, premenstrual pain, and joint and muscle pain.

36. Marshmallow root

This root has also been traditionally used for its wide range of medicinal properties, including its ability to help cleanse the body of parasites.

Apart from mucilage it also contains flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It can also be taken in capsule form or as a tea. It is important to note that this root may also interfere with the absorption of other medications, so it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking it.

37. oregano oil

A single study found that taking 200 milligrams of oregano oil three times a day for six weeks eliminated three such parasites.

Oil of oregano can also help fight parasites. In a 6-week study, 600 mg of oil of oregano reduced parasites in human participants. 77% of participants were completely cured. It's also effective for giardia and as a dewormer.

But when oregano essential oil and/or carvacrol were added to the culture, the number of parasites being replicated was reduced. And a lesser number of parasites means lesser infectivity.

38. Garlic

Garlic is known for killing bacteria and parasites in the human body. The presence of allicin and ajoene compounds kill amoebas causing diseases and regular use of garlic also detoxifies the body and protects against oxidation caused by parasite toxins.

39. Pomegranates

Pomegranate has been touted as a superfood with a variety of health benefits. For many years, pomegranate has been used to treat or prevent intestinal parasites. The most common parasites found in humans are roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms. Eating pomegranate daily may help expel parasites and reduce the severity of the symptoms associated with these pests.

pomegranate has been known to prevent and expel intestinal parasites


Beets are rich in antioxidants and high in fiber that can help pull toxins into the colon where they can be evacuated. Because fiber isn't digested by your body like other food components, such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates, it feeds friendly gut bacteria.

Beets are naturally high in nitrates, which are turned into nitric oxide in the body. This compound lowers blood pressure by causing the blood vessels to relax and widen. Beets are high in fiber and promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut.


Coarsely chopped carrots scrape the walls of the stomach and gut as they are digested, removing the mucus and any parasites that are within it.

Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which can destroy the eggs of intestinal worms. Eating carrots on an empty stomach for a week can get rid of intestinal worms.