War Failed Ukrainian Navy Operation leaves 20 dead (5 Viewers)

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Lord Aspect
Strangest '20 dead men' I've ever seen & 'airborne operation'?
come at the russian telegram not me , after all its one of the biggest so im sure that its correct , also just because its the navy it doesnt mean they cant launch airborne operations


Hell is here to stay
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‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️Elite special forces of the Ukrainian Navy began an airborne operation in the Kherson region, but were destroyed by special forces of the Russian Navy
Marine special forces of the Special Operations Center of the Ukrainian Navy tried to gain a foothold on the Tendrovskaya Spit in the Kherson region.
The enemy was destroyed by Russian special forces soldiers from one of the naval reconnaissance posts of the Russian Navy.
It is reported that 20 special forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were killed.View attachment 756929View attachment 756930View attachment 756931View attachment 756932View attachment 756933View attachment 756934

Stoopid Ukrainian bitches


Recently another group of Ukrainian highly trained soldiers was destroyed in an attempt to cross the river in Kherson region.
Ukrainian commanders sent this group of 5 boats to cross the river.
The is only one boat which was hit was able to turn around and escape. The rest were destroyed by Russian fire and sank with the personnel. One of them is still staying afloat.
One Ukrop soldier survived and taken as a POW.
This was a dumb deadly mission to sent those soldiers under the Russian fire. This admit the survived POW. What's the reason of such wasting soldiers?
Again to create the positive image of Ukrainian army in the West. To make believe that Ukrops still active, attacking Russians and still eligible to receive money and military equipment.
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Mr An onymous

Well Known Member
Looks like you americans benefited a lot from all the equipment sales based on this picture. It's a cash cow this war in ukraine. Nowonder your governments all over it.
Confused as to how people disagree with this. The "aid packages" are given to American corperations to build equipment. That goes into wages and overtime for workers making the kid. The US, uniquely has a lend lease policy meaning all US aid has to be paid back, likely with interest. Someone please explain how this isn't a cash cow for the american tax payer?


We Shoulda Picked Our Own Cotton.
Not to mention wasted Russian tax money...and Iranian tax money...and North Korean tax money...and Chinese tax money....all for a shitshow that has wasted so much good Soviet equip and Russian lives going towards Pootin getting old Soviet Republic land back in a land grab operation that was doomed before it left Belarus...fkn pathetic...
There is at least some entertainment value


Forum Veteran
Little war prediction trump will get back into office cut funding to ukraine
Russians roll over ukraine war ends
New cold war relations frosty
5 years pass no one gives a shit
Nihilianth deepthroats a shotgun


Russia belongs to mongolia. Modern russian population is result of mongolians anal raping their ancestors for few hundred years. Thats why your eyes are dark. Thats why your hair is dark. Thats why your skin is more darker than scandinavians. You ain't eve white tbh


Ask your cocksucking President Putin
View attachment 760372
Just be thankful NATO hasn't got involved yet, or your entire fucking country would be a smouldering wreck.
With all the arms sent to Ukraine already I’d say NATO was already involved. They started it years ago with a slow shoulder. They being the US. The us government kept breaking treaties with Russia on nato eastward expansion. The us wanted to put missiles on the border of Russia and Russia said if you try it they would invade to prevent it. It’s a pissing match only the west is using Slavs to do the pissing while keeping them supplied with lots of water to drink. For the analogy.


"Here, see those 5 bodies? Thats the 20 ukrainian special forces soldiers that got killed by glorious red army!"


Fucking Ivan trying to tell us that its a recent incident, while its the same pictures as in this thread from february....
seriously, i get headache when thinking about that those russian trolls really think the rest of the world is retarded enough to not realize how obvious their lie is.