Serious Has Gore Gotten Easier Or Harder To Watch Over Time? (1 Viewer)

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Fresh Meat
Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
Well to be honest my curiosity helps it be an easy journey really there is only a couple things g I can't watch only because I have kids and anything with kids I'd rather not watch so I tread lightly


Driving Roughshod
It’s easier with the sound turned off with video. I prefer screen shots now that I’ve gotten up in age
Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
Bro I’m 22 as well I started watching around 11-12 and honestly it really depends like for the most part it’s easy and for some it’s a little harder to watch…idk I guess it really depends what’s happening in the video but when I was younger it was much easier


Forum Veteran
Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
In the very beginning the more gore the more I fapped the shit outta myself, almost to the point of removing skin. Now after a few years I dont seem to get that high as often except of course when I see some handicapped deformed person then Im away again. Bloody embaressing if Im at the supremarket so yes I think you get used to it after a while?


Crusty piss fenders
This user was banned
Personally after multiple deployments, that cringey look away feeling… kind of in your gut I’d say that most of us start off with is gone for me. Just numb. Almost like I’m just looking at props or things that were never human to begin with.
I’d say harder I see the videos now and i catch myself looking away- I also started around the same age as you and now I’m in my 20s but even as it’s gotten harder I think it’s just cuz I’ve become more open about people than I was before… so even if it is hard I can’t bring myself to not come here and continue watching these videos/ threads gives me a sense of knowledge


Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
To be honest as of recently I’ve been way more squeamish I think it’s cuz I’m getting older and realizing that it’s more then just a video these were real people who suffered some deserved but many undeserved and I think it’s that thought that’s made gore harder for me to watch
being a paramedic i feel like these videos open my eyes to the real world and what really goes on in different cultures, it’s definitely made it easier but almost makes me think about what someone’s possibly gone through. I still can’t do beheading videos very easily
I’m getting more used to it. I used to watch it a lot to just stop getting grossed out by things. I’d force myself to watch something again and again to make my reaction less and less. I look at it more scientifically now, more than to gross myself out.


Bipolar Gardener (wink-wink)
Yeah I'm definitely desensitized to most of what I see here and other sites. Thinking I've seen it all now.


This user was banned
Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
And it's actually getting easier to pull the trigger too. wheather it's aimed at you're own head or theirs. Good Hunting 😁


Constantly laughing at the world
It's not harder to watch but it's become somewhat harder to find due to the internet becoming so ridiculously regulated and censored. I regret not saving a lot of stuff I saw years ago that I haven't seen since.


This user was banned
Yeah I'm definitely desensitized to most of what I see here and other sites. Thinking I've seen it all now.
Join the military and watch when someone blows themselves up in a market full of shoppers.. you're perspective on life is a whole lot different then seeing it up close..I remember when our convoy was ambushed by these towel heads right. Then out of nowhere a whole team of cattle just decided to blow up, I'm talking about rained guts and blood all over us. As for the sand bunnies they met a Browning.50 Cal. We took pictures but it's hard to get them back in the states
It's not harder to watch but it's become somewhat harder to find due to the internet becoming so ridiculously regulated and censored. I regret not saving a lot of stuff I saw years ago that I haven't seen since.
Well instead of watching it behind a computer or cellphone screen, why not go ahead and do it.. it's a whole new experience. You'll either like it or like it too much or just can't live with it, stick a Spas 12 into you're mouth, record it onto this website, and show all of us what it looks like, when you pull the trigger. No offense to either party


Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
Easier for sure after faces of death this site takes the cake so glad it’s back


Do you think you will ever grow out of watching gore?

Has it gotten harder or easier to watch over time?

I was introduced to gore when I was about 10 or 11. The first video I ever watched was the famous Mexican cartel chainsaw beheading. I can’t recall who showed me the video possibly an older brother of a friend. Anyways, I started really watching gore when I was about 15 with my friend and we would watch videos in our high school math class and show other kids and laugh at their reactions. This was at the time when bestgore was our go to site. I’ve never been able to handle knife videos of people getting slashed or cut and definitely no animals but anything else I can usually handle. But over time I feel like I’m starting to feel like these people I’m watching getting murdered aren’t even people if that makes sense. There’s no way if I was to get my head chopped off I’m ever being at rest. It’s like when your best friend dies for instance, you expect them to go to heaven or be at peace. That’s what these people being murdered parents are expecting lol. It kinda blows my mind. Backtrack to the story I’m now 22 and I feel like when I was younger It was lowkey easier to watch gore. I don’t think I’ll ever quit watching it as I like seeing what goes on in the real world but I feel like my view has changed.. man I’m high. Time to go watch some more videos.
Easier. Definitely became somewhat fascinated 😍 now I stalk death lol


One of 'em foreigners
Way more easy to watch. Better supply, less grainy videos and better internet means faster load times. I do miss the rotten website though, and