Man doesn’t mind his own business and pays the price! (2 Viewers)

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Gore is better than a whore!
So they hear a commotion on the other side of the wall . The guy gets nosey and decides to see what’s going on . He should’ve listened to the girls because he gets shot in the head and killed ! Remember to mind your own business!


Jessica Fletcher. 🍳

𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑.
Text tone,
Dog bark.


We Shoulda Picked Our Own Cotton.
That’s a weird long-skinny house with too many dogs that they live in.


Well Known Member
A hitman knocking on the wall outside, waiting for an inquisitive head to pop over the wall and into the sights of his pistol. The seconds in between him peeking over and being shot is the hitman getting a good look at the guy to confirm his target.


Gore is better than a whore!
renaming the file extension don't converts the file magically to mp4
View attachment 766045

here is a real converted one
I didn’t rename it . I actually sent it through a converter. That’s what had me baffled because some could see it and others could not . But I’ve also had that issue on other threads users post where it plays a blank screen but plays sound if I just exit full screen and go back it plays as it’s supposed to.


I didn’t rename it . I actually sent it through a converter. That’s what had me baffled because some could see it and others could not . But I’ve also had that issue on other threads users post where it plays a blank screen but plays sound if I just exit full screen and go back it plays as it’s supposed to.
then it was a bad converter, idk, the header still showed the old filetype, so i renamed it back and then converted it again.