Police NYC Police Chase (1 Viewer)

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I love the fact that ghetto thugs don't wear belts so their pants fall down and incapacitate them making for an easy capture.
That's NlGGER LOGiC for you. Stupid monkeys. Truly. How obvious is it that the nlgger is evolutionary-wise, right in the middle between the chimp/ape and the Caucasian.
Take ALL physical characteristics....whats right in the middle between a chimp/ape nose (highly flat and wide) and a Caucasian nose (very thin and narrow) you get the nlgger nose. How about the hair on a chimp/ape (black, nappy each hair grows in a frizzy micro zigzag pattern) and the hair on a Caucasian multiple colors and shapes lacking the nappiness. The nlgger hair? All black in color, nappy, pubic-like. Just between a chimp or similar simian and a Caucasian. How about skin color? Great apes have a very dark brown complexion, almost black. And a Caucasian has an extremely fair, light skin color. What's directly in between the two (of course with variance), the Caucasian and the chimp/ape? The nlgger. Bone in blacks not as dense as the ape but it IS more dense than the Caucasian bone.
Look ANYWHERE. The comparison will remain.
Do this. Take any basic morphing program that shows you what your children would look like, put a white chick in one side.....and a Silverback gorilla or chimp pic on the other and see the results for yourself.
So basically....what I'm sayin'.......is that some crazy white "Livingston I presume" nutjob scientist on safari......fucked a gorilla.....and created the nlgger race. Voila! They are the product of white man monkey love.
Thank you....thank you very much. [taking a bow]