Funny One of the Lamest "I Can't Breathe" attempts I've seen LOL (1 Viewer)

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Gone crazy back soon

Farts in elevators
She looks familiar I'm thinking Willy Wonka



"What, me worry?"
She goes from crying hysterical can't breathe to Nasty bitch in one second .... can't trust any of these manipulative cunts - watch how she goes from cry baby to asshole then back again several times.
Schizophrenia is a really a thing as you know, @djdeeds. Unfortunately, it's rampant and easily observable if you know for what to look. You described it exactly here. I'm reminded of the character Jobe Smith in the original film Lawnmower Man (1992) as he kept trying to unlock his cyberbody from entrapment inside the mainframe with access repeatedly denied after every attempt of a different passcode. Folks with multiple personalities will try as many of them as they can in succession, including repeated ones, when faced with stresses in order to extract themselves from the uncomfortable situation, the sick sheboon being detained in this instance for a great example, rinse repeat. I'm also reminded of Einstein's definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Their uncanny ability to default into repeat mode is an example of that. Nicely spotted! 😎