Serious Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Ending 50 Years Of Federal Abortion Rights (1 Viewer)

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(G.O.A.T.) Tubemonkey

It takes two to orangutango
I just stopped by because I heard bgirl crying all the way to my house. Great day for protecting the children!!!


Fresh Meat
Do you really want people who require abortions breeding? This just guarantees that idiots will spread their genes. I don't give a damn about choice or any of that shit, women who want to kill their babies are dumb and deserve to be gone, so why are you guaranteeing their darwinian success? Also since when did people on this site think life is sacred. Congrats US, once again Christianity fucks over your people. I just hope the pure of you don't mix with the "rest"

Fuck trophy of christ

Good Christian boy
Ok.. I think you guys on here all for this overturning of roe v wade are not seeing how this is going to affect you because I doubt you care how it affects women. So let me tell you . You know how the one night stands banging those randos you meet? Say goodbye to those . Women are going to be less likely to FUCK YOU now unless you are in a serious committed relationship or have a vasectomy. You could of course wear one of those rubber things on your cock that we all fucking hate. Except clarence Thomas has said that contraception is the next thing to go. So better stock up on those. So yes all you pro lifers go ahead and celebrate because you are about to get cock blocked by the supreme court. I don't know about you guys but I love getting laid and get quite grumpy when I dont so I'm very pissed about this. Also may I remind you fellas that child support is very real and really fucking sucks!
Would You Have Aborted This Kid
View attachment 595313
Yes . So fucking hard. Hand me the scissors
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Resident Rope Bottom
The government shouldn't be able to decide what any of us, male or female, do with our bodies or our lives in general.
I agree.
No one is a bigger fan of abortion than me. I think that there should be much more abortion than what we have now to pre-empt all the worthless, violent, and redundant pantloads that we see everywhere from ever getting near existence. But this decision simply shifts authority from the feds to the states, which to me is a good thing. States should be able to make their own rules to the greatest extent possible.
I do agree with this. I just fear for the women and girls with no financial means to travel to another state.
Ok.. I think you guys on here all for this overturning of roe v wade are not seeing how this is going to affect you because I doubt you care how it affects women. So let me tell you . You know how the one night stands banging those randos you meet? Say goodbye to those . Women are going to be less likely to FUCK YOU now unless you are in a serious committed relationship or have a vasectomy. You could of course wear one of those rubber things on your cock that we all fucking hate. Except clarence Thomas has said that contraception is the next thing to go. So better stock up on those. So yes all you pro lifers go ahead and celebrate because you are about to get cock blocked by the supreme court. I don't know about you guys but I love getting laid and get quite grumpy when I dont so I'm very pissed about this. Also may I remind you fellas that child support is very real and really fucking sucks!

Yes . So fucking hard. Hand me the scissors
You should wear one of those rubber things anyway so you don't get the AIDS.

And you shouldn't sleep with any one night stand who is ok with you NOT wearing one.

I care for you....I don't want your benis to fall off.
Would You Have Aborted This Kid
View attachment 595313
Absolutely. That is child abuse.
The one thing that sticks out most about this is not the morality of it, But it is the fact that they have made a change to the constitution and we all know what that means. First abortion next guns then freedom of speech you watch as soon as they have that kind of power there is nothing stopping them. A right is a right and a decision needs to be that of the person not of a government body.

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Fuck trophy of christ

Good Christian boy
I agree.

I do agree with this. I just fear for the women and girls with no financial means to travel to another state.

You should wear one of those rubber things anyway so you don't get the AIDS.

And you shouldn't sleep with any one night stand who is ok with you NOT wearing one.

I care for you....I don't want your benis to fall off.

Absolutely. That is child abuse.

I dont sleep with randos I'm married . I'm trying to put how bad this is into perspective to people on here who don't think it will have a negative effect on them because they aren't female.


Resident Rope Bottom
I dont sleep with randos I'm married . I'm trying to put how bad this is into perspective to people on here who don't think it will have a negative effect on them because they aren't female.
I know from experience that marriage doesn't guarantee a husband isn't fucking other people. But good on you for being faithful (being serious not sarcastic).

No offense, but men don't care about unwanted babies because they just take off. Child support may be painful....but its nothing compared to single parenting a child 24/7. If men were forced to have 50/50 AND time....I might feel differently about abortion. But that will never happen.


I agree.

I do agree with this. I just fear for the women and girls with no financial means to travel to another state.

You should wear one of those rubber things anyway so you don't get the AIDS.

And you shouldn't sleep with any one night stand who is ok with you NOT wearing one.

I care for you....I don't want your benis to fall off.

Absolutely. That is child abuse.
