Serious Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Ending 50 Years Of Federal Abortion Rights (4 Viewers)

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Grand Mal Caesar

You absolutely make no sense….SCOTUS are UNELECTED officials…..abortion is not in the constitution, it’s not a protected right so, it should be left to the states to decide…..and who chooses the ELECETED officials in states? The people do…..
It should be left to the individual. No level of government should have any say.


silent ghost
it comes down to the fact that the govt stepped in and is taking rights away from women. their own personal and private right over their own body. to control women.


This user was banned
Why don't you change this around and say Supreme Court overturned Roe V Wade ending 50 years of murdering babies!!! Abortion=murder should not be a right!!!

I guarantee you were one of the idiots pushing the vaccine on people!!! Stupid libtard!!!

I guarantee you were one of the idiots pushing the vaccine on people!!! Stupid libtard!!!
I fully support your right to contract and die of the China virus. In fact, I encourage you to pack yourselves tightly in your church pews an fully rely on sky daddy to protect you.


silent ghost
seeing how some die hard christians want to go the bible route and try to quote how abortion is illegal in the eyes of god,theres no mention of it saying that. but it contradicts what they think. just look at this...
Exodus 21, for example, suggests that a pregnant woman’s life is more valuable than the fetus’s. This text describes a scenario in which men who are fighting strike a pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry. A monetary fine is imposed if the woman suffers no other harm beyond the miscarriage. However, if the woman suffers additional harm, the perpetrator’s punishment is to suffer reciprocal harm, up to life for life.



Fuck it, change the law. If a boyfriend who doesn’t want a baby shoots his 9 months preggers GF thru her stomach and kills the “medical blob” inside he should only be charged with assault on the mother. Doesn’t matter that she had it named, the grandparents helped with the baby’s room, bought a crib, were ready for their first grandchild, etc. I’m told it’s a medical blob part of the woman’s body. No biggie. Fuck her postpartum depression. Women’s rights no longer exist in the US. Doubt it? Check out trans athletes, the patriarchy rules!!! Keep voting blue, ridin with Biden!!!!


We are Kings
In either case, its not for the Government to decide what a woman does with her body.
The constitution doesn't give you the right to coathanger the unborn. The states will make that decision for you based on political affiliation. The idea of some blanket federal law is history, now it's a debate on when it's acceptable, an exact date, to decide you no longer want to have a baby or your reason for doing so. That's a discussion abortion advocates never wanted to have. Too fucking bad. Voters will decide.


Forum Veteran
Funny how this is a debate but we don’t get to say, “hey! Wait a minute! Let’s force 30% federal tax mandated on anyone who makes over $99,000,000 a yr!” Or how about eliminate death row? Or better yet? Life sentences. You in for life you’re done. No tax payer money going to you? Federal government has too much fucking control. As far as abortions? We need more of them. Far too many born, unpaid for and tax payers keep em alive for them to amount to shit and suck off the government tit like their mothers. By having no abortions means you’re all for over population. And I understand that in the USA there’s plenty of land and we’re technically not overpopulated? But eh the fu k wants to live in desolate Midwest? 80% of the population lives around water. Why? Cause that’s what you fuckin need to sustain life.


Resident Rope Bottom
The constitution doesn't give you the right to coathanger the unborn. The states will make that decision for you based on political affiliation. The idea of some blanket federal law is history, now it's a debate on when it's acceptable, an exact date, to decide you no longer want to have a baby or your reason for doing so. That's a discussion abortion advocates never wanted to have. Too fucking bad. Voters will decide.

Where did I reference the constitution? I don't think any Government, US or otherwise, should have the authority to tell me I have to incubate a new human against my will. Especially in cases of rape or incest. It does no justice to the unborn to be born into a world where it isn't wanted, or where the parent or parents are ill prepared and equipped to do so. All my children are adopted, I have seen what being born unwanted can do.


Forum Veteran
Where did I reference the constitution? I don't think any Government, US or otherwise, should have the authority to tell me I have to incubate a new human against my will. Especially in cases of rape or incest. It does no justice to the unborn to be born into a world where it isn't wanted, or where the parent or parents are ill prepared and equipped to do so. All my children are adopted, I have seen what being born unwanted can do.
Totally right...!!
I bet the Anti Abortion people here would soon think differently if they had a young family member raped and fell pregnant. I had to go though this recently with a family member in whom had only JUST turned 14. LUCKILY she was not pregnant. But what if she had been in a country where abortion is illegal. He father is not around and her mother can't look after herself due to ill health let alone a baby. But that poor child would have had to eithet put child up for adoption or maybe even not survive the pregnancy as she is also TINY for her age....Or EVEN worse, have the baby and end up resenting it.
People don't think of things like this....They just see it as a woman who cba to use protection or opens their legs without a care...

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
adoption not abortion unless its  black.jpeg