Thoughts on recent Nashville shooting?? (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
Anyone who shoots kids is a fucking retard. USA has guns for 240+ years and it's the current generation of spastics that are the biggest threat, not the actual weapons
We had the same semi-autos, magazines, and even more powerful guns in the '30s, '40s,50's,60's, and 70's, with no mass shootings. What's changed? The radical, socialistic, traderous Demorat party !!


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
Are you fucking retarded? USA a 3rd world country. I traveled all over this world and know what a 3rd world country is……and the USA is by far the best there is….look at Canada, look what the fuck is happening to them….go to China, Russia, anywhere in EU where you do jail time for misgendering a transtard on the internet…..that’s why all these other countries obeyed their overloads during COVID because all their guns were taken away and they have no rights now….over here in America were like, Nah….go fuck yourselves….we’re doing what we want. And what did we find out when all you clowns were locked down when the elite overlords were doing as they pleased, getting together, no masks… was a total fucking con-job. I love the USA, I do what I want and my 200+ firearms and countless rounds aren’t going anywhere. I have been overseas, I know what war is, I know what dictatorship governments do to their citizens, I have seen what having no rights is like…..and Democrats are as close to a ruthless government then ever.

I don’t care how many shootings there are, nobody is taking them. Look at Canada now….you guys are fucked now. Look at China, the EU…all fucked. Now you deal with countless knife killing, countless bow & Arrow killing, countless killings with hammers and such…..if that fucking cunt didn’t have guns, she would have killed by another means…….anyone against the 2nd amendment can go suck a dick.
You are not smart . You bought equal rifles. Are you Maggoo? Sell 80% of your guns.
You can spend your money with naked women, good buttocks and big boobs


Hope Mojo dies
In 2020 America had 610 mass shootings,2021 they had 690,In 2022 they had 647. We are still in March but so far this year they have had 131. Fuck sake that's bad. And for anybody asking me where i got that from search Google yourself i can't be arsed posting the link you will argue the toss about this all day. For those who say "arm the teachers" well some of those teachers could then go on to shoot up the school. More guns yeah thats right. Fucking hell it's bad.

EDIT= i call American cops trigger happy fuckwits all the time on here but only just realised why they are with the amount of guns and shooting that happen every day.
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❤️ Proud Future Corpse ⚰️ 💋
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That piece of shit bitch is dead, thank God. I hope that crazy cunt burns in hell forever.


We are Kings
Here's the Canadian Possession & Acquisition License form section related to personal background:
View attachment 670829

In theory answering yes shouldn't preclude your application from being rejected, its supposed to trigger (no pun intended) further queries by the reviewing officer. I answered yes to 16 d and when I had the telephone interview I honestly explained my background & current state and my application & renewals were always approved without issue.

It was a bit different for my CCW application in Idaho.
View attachment 670839

I read section 66-317 of the Idaho code and aside from giving me a headache I guess I should have answered yes to the highlighted question because I am on an anti-depressant but decided to fib and say no. All my medical records are in Canada so fuck 'em. I honestly don't know whether or not anti-depressants would preclude an approval. So many people are prescribed these meds I can't see that as being used to reject someone, especially in a gun friendly state like Idaho.
Yeah I had to jump through the same hoops here, I've been arrested enough it was two pages to print up, they were mainly concerned with my assault convictions from when I was young but that didn't involve women or drugs so they didn't give much of a fuck, still got my shit approved. The past for me was a long time ago and I dont hang around with old mate Begbie anymore.

It's guns . I know in the USA it's part of the culture but it really is the problem . You can go to a supermarket and buy a shotgun with ammo . You can walk into a building and kill lots of people with that . Pistols are easy to carry , mags hold 15-17 rounds on average . 3 spare mags and the ability to hide the firearm . as for long guns , well listen guns are designed to do one thing ; kill things mainly people .
Yes you can kill people with a knife but you have to very close and they can fight back / crowd get you .
I also feel strongly it's the culture in the USA .It's very much like that of the UK in that it is a violent culture . If the UK had guns the place would be blood bath on a weekend .


You are not smart . You bought equal rifles. Are you Maggoo? Sell 80% of your guns.
You can spend your money with naked women, good buttocks and big boobs
WTF does “equal rifles” mean? Enlighten me on this because, you obviously have no knowledge of rifles.


Well Known Member
It's guns .
It's not but ok.

I've owned guns for 20+ years, no problems.
All my friends have also owned guns, no problems.

Saying "oh it's guns!" Just makes you sound like a retarded Karen. Not saying you are, but you kinda sound like one. All love tho, you have your opinion I have mine.

WTF does “equal rifles” mean? Enlighten me on this because, you obviously have no knowledge of rifles.
Off topic but, nice pfp. Love that movie.


Revolt Against the Modern World
Are you fucking retarded? USA a 3rd world country. I traveled all over this world and know what a 3rd world country is……and the USA is by far the best there is….look at Canada, look what the fuck is happening to them….go to China, Russia, anywhere in EU where you do jail time for misgendering a transtard on the internet…..that’s why all these other countries obeyed their overloads during COVID because all their guns were taken away and they have no rights now….over here in America were like, Nah….go fuck yourselves….we’re doing what we want. And what did we find out when all you clowns were locked down when the elite overlords were doing as they pleased, getting together, no masks… was a total fucking con-job. I love the USA, I do what I want and my 200+ firearms and countless rounds aren’t going anywhere. I have been overseas, I know what war is, I know what dictatorship governments do to their citizens, I have seen what having no rights is like…..and Democrats are as close to a ruthless government then ever.

I don’t care how many shootings there are, nobody is taking them. Look at Canada now….you guys are fucked now. Look at China, the EU…all fucked. Now you deal with countless knife killing, countless bow & Arrow killing, countless killings with hammers and such…..if that fucking cunt didn’t have guns, she would have killed by another means…….anyone against the 2nd amendment can go suck a dick.
EU is fucked on the other hand US where citizens have an easiest access to guns and is also fucked.
The issue is not the guns but the generation, i don't remember in the 80's any mass shootings.
In EU if we had guns there would be a perpetual civil war.


Well Known Member
EU is fucked on the other hand US where citizens have an easiest access to guns and is also fucked.
The issue is not the guns but the generation, i don't remember in the 80's any mass shootings.
In EU if we had guns there would be a perpetual civil war.
They happened back then, but they were way less of a thing and not as well documented/broadcasted. But it was a super rare thing when it happened, nothing like it is now.

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
In 2020 America had 610 mass shootings,2021 they had 690,In 2022 they had 647. We are still in March but so far this year they have had 131. Fuck sake that's bad. And for anybody asking me where i got that from search Google yourself i can't be arsed posting the link you will argue the toss about this all day. For those who say "arm the teachers" well some of those teachers could then go on to shoot up the school. More guns yeah thats right. Fucking hell it's bad.

EDIT= i call American cops trigger happy fuckwits all the time on here but only just realised why they are with the amount of guns and shooting that happen every day.
More than 46,000 people die in car crashes each year, according to Annual United States Road Crash Statistics (ASIRT).


There is no such thing as "trans." You cannot change your gender. You cannot be a woman and change into a man by dressing like a man anymore than putting a plastic horn your head makes you a unicorn.

These mental degenerate kids are told by their fucked-up parents and social media they can change, be whatever they want to be, and then the rest of the world (the normal and civilized world) is evil. This shooting can be blamed on one thing....LIBERALISM. Time to quash trans luancy and return to normal society again.


silent ghost
wish they didnt kill the shooter. would have liked to see a spectacle made of him. because he deserved it.
wtf man...


silent ghost
That genie is out of the bottle. The 2nd Amendment and gun culture is so deeply rooted in US culture and its part of the American identity, there will never be any meaningful reform since like any polarizing issue the lunatics on both sides carry too much political power.

I'm VERY much pro-gun and pro 2A but when talking with other gun owners in the States its almost impossible to have a reasonable conversation. I don't believe in high capacity (IMO that would be anything >20 rounds for a long gun, >12 rounds for a handgun) and don't see any reason why a civilian should be allowed to own an automatic weapon. When I talk to other US gun enthusiasts their response to that is if they give in on any restriction its just a slippery slope till the Democrats take away all their guns.

I know it would make most American gun owner's heads explode but I think the Swiss model is reasonable. Guns and gun safety is engrained into Swiss from a very early age. Pellet guns, family range days with kids are very popular and it then leads into very safe & responsible gun ownership as an adult. They have limits on the number of guns that can be owned, a very rigid training & licensing model and consequently very little gun violence.
heres another perspective