War Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in the Novobakhmutovka area (2023) (1 Viewer)

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Let It All Bleed Out
number 2 is woman, at least is what several telegram channels say. a rare sight
Looks so much better without Chub's nasty watermark plastered on it. But I doubt that's a woman...facial features change when it gets hit with a bullet or shrapnel. If it was a woman, that would have made bigger news (especially on TG, Twitter and Reddit) than when the first Leopard tank was knocked out, and I'm fairly sure that the Russian troop taking the photo would have noticed and moved some uniform to show a bra strap or something like that. I haven't seen it being referred to as a woman on Telegram or anywhere else.

It's sorta like a post a few months ago where a member put up a thread claiming two KIA female Ukrainian soldiers in the title. When I looked further into it they were both men. Even though I commented and posted other photos that clearly showed they were male along with pre-war photos of them he didn't change the title. Folks are just dying to see a photo/s of a dead female soldier...Ukrainian or Russian or Chinese...


Forum Veteran
Keep 'em coming. The only good Ukrainian is a dead Ukrainian. Keep our young men and dollars at HOME -- let's take care of our OWN. Fuck Ukraine.
Nah. . .The Russian INVADERS are better off Dead than Alive. . . Now Russian is in chaos. . . Russian Civil War Coming Soon.


In some parts, aside from the blown dam, they are getting (or were) some heavy rains.
We had a wet spring too, that's good for fauna and flora.
Last year it's been so dry that old shipwrecks became visible in the bigger rivers.


Forum Veteran
That's a young man, you can tell by the neck, women don't have a pronounced Adam's Apple bulge like that. Likely late teens early 20's when the male face is still round like a female's and no facial hair yet.
Little bit of patchy peach fuzz on his chin and cheek. Probably just turned 18.

Fuck the orks!

number 2 is woman, at least is what several telegram channels say. a rare sight
That photo is clearly doctored. And it's a terrible attempt at Photoshop. I have no idea why this particular photo was even shipped to begin with.