What are your gruesome fantasies? (1 Viewer)

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worm food
To yank on somebodies arm through a forked tree in the woods so I can see if I can pull it clean off. I’d pull their arm as hard as possible through the fork in the trees, there will be a big enough gap for the arm to fit through, but the torso won’t be able to make it. I’d use my feet and full body weight to push off of the tree while pulling the arm through the gap while they were awake to feel it all. I think eventually it would come right off.
this honestly sounds very satisfying lol


Well Known Member
My most gruesome fantasy is that of global peace but a sick dystopian where the world is just a giant pharmaceutical company and everyone is on a drug that makes them see the world as a wonderful peaceful place. When in reality its a world corroded by corruption and I lead it. I have hot bitches who are also drugged out and see me as God. I am the king and I hold onto my power using the needs of peace and fulfilling it with drugs. I myself wouldn't be on drugs though and heavily depressed by how society was falling inside my global pharmacy but driven by the need to secure global dominance I just accept that all I can do is give bitches drugs to fuck me. Thats my fantasy give a bitch drugs then she fucks me.


Death chef
I really want to turn somebody into a f****** hamburger and eat them , i have aphla gal syndrome and i cant eat socially acceptable food anymore and just makes me want to eat other people , every time one of my co-workers are a piece of s*** I just think about putting barbecue sauce on them and setting them on fire as a fucked up bbq

also I really like the idea of throwing children into a wood chipper , saying " get in the fucking wood chipper " or " okay everyone lets go dont the magic tunnel " and its slide that had a meat grinder at the end of it


As a member of this site, I am sure a lot of you, just like me, has some pretty gruesome yet beautiful fantasies. Let’s all share them here!
I want to get a huge thing of gasoline and make somebody drink half of it and then I'd pour the rest on them. Then id leave little cuts and wounds just so they can feel the sting of the gasoline sink into their wounds. Id then set them over a fire, rotatjng them slowly and cooking cooking them. I'd cut off a leg or something, then id set the rest of them on fire and just let them burn. Id then cut up the leg and give it to their families, not even telling them what i just gave them.


I really want to turn somebody into a f****** hamburger and eat them , i have aphla gal syndrome and i cant eat socially acceptable food anymore and just makes me want to eat other people , every time one of my co-workers are a piece of s*** I just think about putting barbecue sauce on them and setting them on fire as a fucked up bbq

also I really like the idea of throwing children into a wood chipper , saying " get in the fucking wood chipper " or " okay everyone lets go dont the magic tunnel " and its slide that had a meat grinder at the end of it
I love the way you think.


Fresh Meat
ooo I like that. It’s satisfying on a primal level, isn’t it? It’s perfectly natural 🖤
Omg I hate how fast it dries idk if I said that yet but like last night I slit my wrists open and wrote with it I never realized how cool it woukd be u shoukd definitely try but be careful to not cut to deep


Well Known Member
Drug and then sodomize a woman while I slap the shit out of her unconscious face. Leave her for dead out in the middle of nowhere to wake up up terrified, confused, and in tremendous pain.

Nathan Powell

Life doesn’t end. You just run out of road..
Kidnap a chick and hold her hostage in a well equipped cottage. Terrify her with words and grabbing her throat while holding her against the wall. Would love to grope her and rape her and continue the routine till I knock her up.
Eventually the Stockholm syndrome will set in and she would start to see me as her saviour and God.
At that point, one day throw her out and tell her to fuck off with my kid in her belly, while I move on to do the same to some other chick.

evil retard

room temperature iq
Short Bussed
damn. i want to build a giant cannon and blast everyone except white protestants straight into the fucking sun. :trump:



damn. i want to build a giant cannon and blast everyone except white protestants straight into the fucking sun. :trump:

Well since Baptists were not an offshoot / follower of Martin Luther then that includes them. I'm not saying this like it's a bad thing or anything, just pointing out something many of them are proud of.