What made you view gore? (4 Viewers)

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Such is life
Being bored …pretty much …had I a more interesting life maybe I’d come here a lot less lol >_> who am I kidding not gonna happen


The worlds a tough place and growing up in the west we’re only exposed to a fraction of it. This makes us weak. A large reason I view gore is to toughen myself up and firm up what I consider reality. It’s actually pretty terrible what humans do to each other and I wish I could pretend it didn’t exist.


...casey anthony then later travis murder brought me here.....and then 9 yr forum friendship with WHIP and later tyyp kept me here along with many excellent forum member posts, strories and pics
I'm old now, retired, but I have enjoyed reading about Roman Carnivals, torture, cruelty since my early teens. The came the internet and sites like this which satisfy my interests. Thanks!


Well Known Member
An over the top torture scene in a slasher movie triggered my sadistic sexual awakening. I always knew that desire was in the back of my mind, and made an effort to avoid indulging for over a decade but after that I wanted more. I fell off a wagon I wasn’t aware I was planted on in such a way. 🤣


Much better you than I…
Because Movies and Video games are never detailed enough. Its stuff you just don't see on a regular basis. I blame Rotten.com for my fascination with gore and violence as a child.


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Human beings have always viewed gore. Why does everyone slow down at a scene of a horrific accident?


Just leave it there, as it supposed to be.
The day Charonboat existed when i was 13-14 and beyond when i watched death when using Amfetamine-related substances, which i don't use anymore for 6 months already.... I did it because i wanted to see something of a darker-viewed world. My findings struggled at first, but then i saw it not as gore but just as death.