What made you view gore? (1 Viewer)

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Because it's the reality of the world we don't see on mass media news. It's easy to have an ideology without knowing how life looks. After you see the real deal. You take life more .... Seriously


Share why you either enjoy or view gore and what influenced you.
It started with Faces of Death...I think there were 3 or 4 total movies which I came to find a lot of it was fake. It's survival instincts...what not to do to get yourself killed. Throw in morbid curiosity, and here we are.


Maybe repost.
Reading 'Krieg dem Kriege' by Ernst Friedrich was the start.
Don't know when and why, at young age; we had the book at home.



i'm a cyborg
started when someone showed me the video of the guy blowing up the inflatable boat
his kid jumps on the boat and the guys head blows up
we watched that a billion times tryna figure out if it was real or fake
but that was the day i started googling gory stuff

Bruno Puntz Jones

Well Known Member
My family is Mormon and my parents installed anti-porn software on our family computer. This is one of the few sites I can come to where I might see a boob or two (dead or otherwise).


Seeker of Truth!
Share why you either enjoy or view gore and what influenced you.
I don't enjoy it to be honest, I started because I tend to have this insane inclination to think that people in general are basically good, sadly enough people keep proving me wrong so I wanted a more realistic view, I would have trouble believing exactly how evil man can be without seeing it for myself, and I can honestly tell you, people scare the shit out of me. If I thought for a second I might end up in the same situations as half the victims in these videos, I honestly would kill myself to spare me the horror.

ATM I can't stop thinking about the poor girl in the white shirt and hot pink bottoms where they stick a rag in her mouth and start stabbing the shit out of her or even worse the girl who they remove both arms from the elbow, I stopped watching once they got the second one off but I guess they then cut her head off. I seriously can't imagine WTF she did to deserve that (I do happen to know one person that literally does and I wish I went my whole life w/o feeling that way about someone but what this person did was personal, and it was not a romantic type thing either, it was a 20 yr con) I highly doubt this girl has been around long enough to become such a snake so, guessing she was part of a rival gang, the only sense I can make of that really is due to our ability to video things today so easily and the abundance of devices constantly available, it has upped the ante to make the videos as brutal as possible?


"What, me worry?"
I deal in reality, not fiction. Death in all its forms is about as real as it gets. That's why I'm here. Also, I enjoy great gallows humor, influenced by Monty Python and George Carlin, among others, as well as my Halloween Night birthday. Boo! 👻

Pepsi Man

Savior of PepsiLand
Saw at a young age, at first I was horrified but soon became curious about death, post-mortem movements of corpses, undeath, muscle memory and reflex, etc. This made me really interested in biology and anatomy of the Human Body and now I watch gore to see human stupidity, the thrilling last moments of life were you accept death, and how the fresh corpse reacts to the cause of death.
Also because it's funny, my favorite videos are the ones were they shoot someone with anti-aircraft cannons or other oversized weapons and ones were they play with the corpse like eating parts or having fun with it


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
Saw at a young age, at first I was horrified but soon became curious about death, post-mortem movements of corpses, undeath, muscle memory and reflex, etc. This made me really interested in biology and anatomy of the Human Body and now I watch gore to see human stupidity, the thrilling last moments of life were you accept death, and how the fresh corpse reacts to the cause of death.
Also because it's funny, my favorite videos are the ones were they shoot someone with anti-aircraft cannons or other oversized weapons and ones were they play with the corpse like eating parts or having fun with it
You believe in Darwin.


don't fear the reaper
Share why you either enjoy or view gore and what influenced you.
i always had a morbid fascination but i remember seeing gore twitter accounts when i was 14, which led me to bestgore and here i am 10 years later still fascinated with gore. however i cant watch anything with animals lol..


Heard that the mdpope movies were fucked up and I ended up watching them and that was the start for me I guess. Always been kinda into gore from a young age though.


blood spatter
I got bully by classmate since elementary school, crash bike accidently twice. My first gore idk exactly 2 mexican beheading by chainsaw