What's the most disturbing video you've ever come across? (9 Viewers)

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Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
The one of your mom giving birth to your dumb ass
Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
Was it teeth being pulled or tonsils getting cut out? I’ve seen the Russian doctor cutting the tonsils out. That video was pretty disturbing.


A most average man, just even average-er.
Worst videos youve seen?
Mine is the CJNG flaying the father and son.
Theres also this video i cant find of this black guy getting his arms removed brutally and then gets his chest cut open. He doesnt even beg and plead, just sits there smiling in a weird way at first, btutal.


Psychology of Gore
The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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I think a video from Russia, some young guy had been out partying and got into an altercation (drunk) with some other people. It was diffused, but the young guy was totally wasted and ended up falling asleep on a bench near the sea front. He'd been followed. A man walked over to the young guy sleeping and just started stabbing him. Stomach, chest, face, neck. The sounds were horrific, but the thing that got me was, he never had a fuckin CHANCE. The most low down thing I ever saw. I hope they caught the fucker they probably must have done if I saw the video. It was dark but you get a few good shots of the guys face, and you hear his voice a lot as he's yelling in Russian while stabbing the kid.


Your hairline's intense bro
I remember finding a gore page on tumblr out of nowhere around 2015ish before they started taking shit down, it was all pretty tame stuff compared to what I'd already seen on bestgore and the like. Mostly just photos of blood and edgy shit tbh.
UNTIL LMAO the day I scrolled past a video of subway tracks,
a subway flying on those tracks
right over a baby that was just chilling crawling on those damn ass tracks 😫
I can't remember if there was even a story about what even happened or not I just remember being so fucked from it (was recently a new mom when I saw it) I couldn't shake it off for a long time. Now it doesn't feel so bad cause you really don't see anything, but I still think of it time to time since why would I have expected to be mentally rotted to the core from a video on tumblr anyways? Besides all of the obvious shit lmao

TLDR: baby crawling on subway tracks subsequently meets said subway


A most average man, just even average-er.
I cant remember how I found this but it was an animal crush/torture video, i haven't been the same since..
A very attractive looking c*nt of a Japanese woman has a small dog tied to a metal pole in a concrete room and she blowtorches the poor things backside for about two minutes straight.
Next scene it has its four limbs tied using rope and shes holding it up with her one arm as she slowly cuts it's legs off one by one using a machete..
She was dressed like a dominatrix and there was this awful, demonic, strobing type music playing during the whole ordeal which took about 8 minute. She smiled the whole time. Some really demonic shit, awful


Fresh Meat
Just as the title states, is there any video you've come across that has stuck with you for a while? ?

While it's not gory per-say, more along the lines of torture, but the most disturbing video I've stumbled across depicts a corrupt doctor pulling out a child's teeth without any anesthesia, couldn't have been older than 8 or 9. Screams were horrific, and I couldn't manage to finish the video. Disgusting.
The Russian soldier in a blue and white striped shirt that was beheaded and vomited mid decapitation which resulted in a hose like effect.

Al Upinya

Pronoun Destroyer
An accused pedo beaner with his hands tied behind him laying on his back and a gag in his mouth muffling his screams, with men holding his legs opened wide apart with 2 pit bulls eating his junk.


Close up video.
Where chechen fighter kills young russina soldier (20-25 y). He pierced a knife in neck and slashing open poor boys throat.
And that poor boys comrade ( same age) was killed similar. That other one laying on gound, on chest.
Chechen fighter took him by hes eye sockets. Lifted boys head up and sliced hes neck. And he was holding boys head up untill boy died, to pur out all blod....


For sure the vid of the guy who was falsely imprisoned for rape. He was just continuously raped by everyone and just blood everywhere.:vomit: