Why do you find gore gratifying? (5 Viewers)

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Some people probably like the anger, violence, or hate, while others have a fascination for the psychology behind it (both being killer and victim), or the anatomy/physics aspect of it (how hard is it REALLY to stab someone to death?).

What exactly do YOU get out of it, and why do you like it so much?

I hope this is the right word, but uhh, haematophilia, long story short; I like blood, a lot. Gore videos also help me get a better perspective on death and anatomy and how much blood comes from which types of wounds ect, it's good for art and writing :)


Fucking asshole pot smoker
Gratifying? No. Educational, yes.
For example, when my girls were toddlers, I watched a video on Ogrish of a mom running over her son backing out of the garage. From that moment on I was extra cautious backing out of mine. I made it a point to always be situationally aware of them and became a better dad for it.

Just one small example....

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
You are remorseless in your gayness. Gore and gay have the same first letter! And nearly the same amount of letters.

Am I expected to believe this is a fucking coincidence?

o fuk nah.


I don't find gore "gratifying", but rather a fascination brought on by living in an OVERLY censored society.. I mean really.. we have nuts that think an old statue is just too much to bare looking at.. brings them too much pain (rolling eyes) Seems EVERYTHING is censored here.. (USA). so to combat that.. I seek out what I'm forbidden to see in my culture.. So, simple answer is.. I LIKE KNOWING :)

Lazlo Morphine

Homo Homini Lupus Est.
The psychology of the murders, suicides and the duality of man. As well, I try to guess how long each person has been dead by their decomposition rate. It's a game I play. :Haplulz:


Nasty Nazi Dick
The fact that a human can go from a conscious living being, filled with hopes, dreams, thoughts, feelings and desires to a pile of warm meat in a matter of seconds fascinates me. The human body is both durable and very fragile. Some people survive some of the most horrific things imaginable and others die from a very minor accident. I also enjoy the look of terror and anguish on a persons face who is suffer and knows they are about to die. The look of hopelessness as they know their fate and can't escape it. I wish I could hear their thoughts and know what emotions they are experiencing.

I'm also into BDSM and have always enjoyed various forms of torture and helplessness. People dying is just taking that interest a step further. The interesting thing about just about every type of BDSM play is that if taken too far it could end in death. Keep a person locked up too long, they die of dehydration. Take breath play too far, they suffocate. Take impact play too far and they die from blood loss due to breaking their skin with a heavy beating.
Man i am impressed by your critical thinking, I read your post many times ... Like I have a snap of your post .. when you explain ... torture the way you want 🤣 ... you kind of really good at this.

guyme91 📦🔓

Kinky weirdo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Man i am impressed by your critical thinking, I read your post many times ... Like I have a snap of your post .. when you explain ... torture the way you want 🤣 ... you kind of really good at this.

Thank you and you know the odd thing about me is that I look just like a very average guy who works in an office. No one would ever suspect that I have these dark interests. On the surface when dealing with people I'm very polite and normal. But inside I have thoughts like these and I'm glad that there is a place online where I can let these types of thoughts out.


Nasty Nazi Dick
Thank you and you know the odd thing about me is that I look just like a very average guy who works in an office. No one would ever suspect that I have these dark interests. On the surface when dealing with people I'm very polite and normal. But inside I have thoughts like these and I'm glad that there is a place online where I can let these types of thoughts out.
Same as me...


⸸ I am the End ⸸
Some people probably like the anger, violence, or hate, while others have a fascination for the psychology behind it (both being killer and victim), or the anatomy/physics aspect of it (how hard is it REALLY to stab someone to death?).

What exactly do YOU get out of it, and why do you like it so much?
The psychology definitely gets me. But what I "get out of it" is a very extreme dose of humanity's reality.


~Sanity is for the weak~
When I was about 15 years old, I entered a kind of depressive phase in my life as most of my friends started an apprenticeship while I entered secondary school in a nearby town, so I lost contact to most of my old (school) friends. So I was kind of a loner with a very dark, cynical humor. My best contacts were to classmates in the last row, who were very into Ego Shooters, Black Metal and stuff...and dark, malicious humor. 😉 It was the time in the late 90's and early 00's, with games like Quake 3 Arena, Unreal Tournament and so on.

An eye opener was the Columbine School shooting. I saw some photos of the aftermath, and that was the beginning of my voyage through the dark sides of humanity. I find it gratifying to see people in a worse condition than me...in a death condition, lol. And I'm interested in the reasoning behind e.g. a murder or a suicide. Why do girls with great looks and many friends suddenly kill themselves? What lays behind the public, superficial surface? That's what intrigues me. And it satisfies me to see the result of emotional trouble. Gratifying? Well, all dark paths you can possibly go have been used by countless burdened people before you.